Haldir ~ What A Beautiful Sight To Wake Up

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'I've been waiting for days now. He said he would come back. I have no one besides him.'

Yes, I am talking about Haldir. He left from our homeland with an army behind him a month ago. And by that time being we've received lots of information, including the fall of Mordor. The information of the departure of the wounded elves from Helms Deep to Gondor was sent to us. The most of the soldiers didn't made it back. There was a couple of them who were still strong and healthy and they said that there were still soldiers that were getting cured. And eventually the soldiers stopped coming back and the Gondor fell silence. There were no information leaking out of its walls.

I woke up that morning determination in my face. I tied my hair up and wore some comfortable clothes. I packed up a few things and made my way to the horses. I walked over to Hrive [Winter in elvish] and stroked his soft hair.

"We are going on a trip Hrive. Lle desiel? [Are you ready?]" He neighed in response and I chuckled a bit. After I climbed he and we took off to Gondor a fear started to grow within me.

'What if he is dead? I cannot handle that. What if he is not dead and he just doesn't want to see my face? What if he found someone new? What if he lost his memories?' I was on the verge of turning back when a little voice inside of me whispered.

'You can never know without doing it.' And with that I kicked Hrive and we sprinted faster than before. It was incredible and we covered the whole way to Gondor in under 2 and a half day. As I saw the Gondor peeking thru the horizon hope and at the same time, anxiety rose inside me.

I made my way to the open gates of Minas Tirith and stop in front of two guards.

"What is your business in here, she-elf?"

"My name is (Y/N). I am here in search for Haldir." I said with my head held up high.

"(Y/N)?" a voice behind the gates spoke.

"Come on inside." And with a grateful smile I hopped off from my horse and grab him from his ropes.

He led me to a stabling yard and I locked Hrive in. After doing that we walked out and breathed in the fresh air.

"Why are you still here? Shouldn't you go back to your father's kingdom?"

"I am here to look after some of the wounded elves and to help Aragorn re-build Gondor."


"Uma (Y/N) [Yes (Y/N)]?"

"Manke naa Haldir [Where is Haldir?]?"


"Naa ro ba? [Is he dead?]" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"N'uma, nan' ro naa harwe. [No, but he is wounded.]"

"Manke naa ro? An ngell nîn, Legolas. Amin caela ele ho. [Where is he? Please Legolas. I have to see him]"

"Come this way." He said and get ahead of me. I followed him quickly and start to fumble with my thumbs.

"To your luck he awoke from his unconsciousness four days ago. But I must warn you he is still very exhausted from his wound. He can't leave here for another month." I nodded understandingly but then remember he can't see my face.

"Yes I understand that." I didn't know if I should be relieved or sad. In one hand, he is still alive and he had a reason to not come back to me. He didn't leave me. But in another hand he is greatly wounded.

We walked into a white chamber with a nice looking bed and a pale Haldir. I rushed next to him and took a hold on his hand. I stroked his hair and caressed his face.

"Haldir, melamin... Ta naa amin, (Y/N) [Haldir, my love... It is me, (Y/N)]" I spoke softly when he opened his eyes.

"(Y/N)?" he asked and squeezed my hand tighter.

"Yes Haldir. I'm here."

"I missed you so much (Y/N)." I planted a kiss on his soft lips and smiled at him.

"I'm here now, aren't I?"

"I'll leave you two alone." Legolas muttered and stepped out of the room.

"You still have to stay here for another month or so."

"I can stay, as long as you're with me."

"I will never go apart from your side." We stared at each other's eyes for a long time before he gathered his strength and propped himself on one arm, cupped my cheek with the other one and kissed me. He stroked my cheek lovingly.

"What a beautiful sight to wake up."

A/N: the next imagine will be a Smaug one! Have fun with that info. and my kik is still: thranduils_bitch

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