Legolas ~ Good Job Boy

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You wondered around in Mirkwood halls, in your combat outfit. After a run with the other elves and Legolas, your childhood best friend and your crush, hunting the great spiders you just wanted some peace.

Let me tell you more about this Legolas guy. I am pretty sure you know everything to know about him but I will tell your past with him. You two were born exactly one month apart. That's why he always teased you about your shortness and when you are in a bad mood he will tell you 'When I was your age' and tell you what he did 1 month ago to cheer you up. You two grow up to be amazing fighters and usually end your fights with ties. Of course not so after the match is finished Legolas would jump to you and make you fall. You never hesitated to take him down with you and normally you two would just roll around in the grass and then watch the sky. You loved him with every inch of yourself. How could you not? He was the perfect elf. He was fairly tall, for an elf, had glamorous hair, a sweet voice, dazzling eyes and the most perfect smile. Of course you weren't the only one to fall for him, and he was a bit of ... player himself. He would date a girl just for 2 years and then toss them aside. And that is the reason you were a bit scared of being in a relationship with him. What if he tosses you aside like one of them? If you, of course, finally grow a pair and tell him that you loved him.

You quietly paced around the stairs, go down and say couple of hellos to the chefs in the kitchen and look around yourself. 'I don't appreciate this place the way I should.' You told yourself. Then you hear quiet footsteps coming from your back before you could turn around a pair of arms wrapped themselves on your waist and throw you over their shoulder.

"Got ya!" said a soft voice and start to move. You immediately recognize it. How could you not? It was your dear Legolas. You start to play with his hair.

"Where are you taking me?" You asked in a sweet voice.

"We are going to practice in our fighting." He said and laughed, making you jiggle more.

"So you are practically saying me that you found a new technique in trying to beat me. It never going to work." You say and laugh.

"This time there will be no bows nor swords. Bare arms." He said sternly. You sighed. He was stronger than you and you know it. You were quicker due to your height and weight compared to him, but it won't win you a fight. He get you through the gates of Mirkwood and set you down on the soft grass of a clearing near the kingdom.

"We are here." He said and bow to you. You bow back, a tradition you two did before starting the fight. You look for new weak spots on him while dodging him. You know he hit his hip but knowing him he would have been healed. Then you decided to look for advantages that comes from your surroundings. You two were dodging and throwing fists and kicks to each other. It was almost like you were trying to not touch each other. Like dance without touching. Then you find a perfect way to defeat him. You make him dizzy by going around him for couple of times and swiftly kick yourself up from the trunk of the tree to grab a branch and swing yourself from that sad branch. You kick his chest softly but hard enough to make him fall down. You laughed aloud but you lost your grasp making you fall on top of Legolas. A soft 'umph' left both of your lips and then you both start to laugh like maniacs.

"Looks like I finally won one of our fights." You said between laughters. Legolas rolled you both three times, making you squeal. He stand on top of you, his hair falling a bit to his face. You blushed as you recognized how close you are.

"That's not the only thing you won." He said in a soft husky voice making your insides melt.

"And what else I've won, my prince?" You said kind of mockingly to prevent you from getting hurt when you won't get what you want to hear.

"My heart." He said and placed a long sweet kiss upon your lips. He pulled out of the kiss just a little and murmured to your lips.

"I love you so much, (Y/N)." before kissing you quickly again.

"You know what Legolas?" His eyes flashed with fear,

"I love you too." And then turn into a most heartwarming gaze ever. He kissed all over your face making you giggle and roll both of you to your sides. After that you both lay on the grass adoring the stars, side by side, cuddling. Every now and then Legolas whispered sweet nothings in your ear and you blushed deeper every time, but he said he loved your blush. He stole kiss or two, too. What you both didn't knew was, his father, Thranduil, the king of Mirkwood saw you both kissing. He also loved you, in a daughter-y way, and the sight of his son and you made his insides warm and made him remember him and his dear wife. He smiled to himself before turning and walking back to his kingdom. He mumbled beneath his breath:

"Good job, boy."

A/N:HER name was Leelah Alcorn

Rest In Power lazer princess, transgender queen of hell.

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