Kili ~ The Nightmare Turned Into A Daydream

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I put the bowl aside after finishing my soup.

"Bofur, the first watch is yours." Thorin's ruff voiced echoed thru the small cave. I get up from the log I was previously sitting on.

"Goodnight (Y/N)!" Bilbo exclaimed.

"Goodnight Bilbo, sleep tight." I always tried to act nicely to him. He must be suffering a lot, due to rough conditions of the quest and being homesick. Kili stared to him and then at me and back at him. I chuckled at his expression. I went to the other side of the cave to get my bag, and by the time I could set my bed, which consist of a blanket and a pillow, almost every place was taken.

"(Y/N), there's a bit of space here if you like." Bilbo called you over.

"You can sleep here too." Kili shouted. I looked over at Bilbo. He winked at me. Well he knew my secret tiny crush on Kili, giving that we've talked all night in one of the night watches.

"Sorry Bilbo, but I think I won't fit in there." Both you and Bilbo knew that you could fit there perfectly but we can't let Kili knew that I would cuddle him willingly. His bed was by the wall of the cave. I set the make shift bed on the floor. The space was tighter than Bilbo's but I won't mind it.

"I guess you need to get closer love." Kili said and I blushed furiously. I inched the blanket closer to him and lay down on my back. I closed my eyes and wished the blush on my cheeks would go away, and Kili won't look at me. And with that thought the tiredness of the day took its toll on me and I drifted to sleep.


"Bilbo!" I screamed as an orc attacked at him. His blade slashed his left arm. He fell to the ground and I start to run at him. The time I reached at him he pointed to his left. I looked and saw Bombur's arm fell off as he screamed in agony. I flinched away and saw Fili getting beheaded. I saw every single lad from the company getting killed, aside from Kili. Tears rolled down my face and I covered my face.

"(Y/N)!" I turned with hearing my name getting called. In that moment I wish I hadn't. An arrow pierced thru his heart and I run to him. I fall to my knees and held his face in my hands.

"I love you... Don't you forget that." And then his eyes got ice cold. His lips start to turn to purple. He turned into a skeleton in my arms.

"(Y/N)." I heard Kili's voice call me but I know he is dead. I looked over the battlefield.

"(Y/N)!" I heard louder. My eyes wandered around quickly, getting kinda scared.

My eyes shot open and I stared into chocolate brown eyes. I was drenched in sweat and breathing deeply.

"You were having a nightmare love." Kili said and pushed my hair from my face.

"Do you want to talk about it? Or should I give you a hug?"

"A hug." I said and he pulled me to his chest and propped his back against the wall. He shushed me and I grasped his shirt.

"Everyone died. Everyone died in the battle field. Bilbo died, Dori died, you died." I spoke quietly, partly because I didn't trust my voice and partly because I didn't wanted to wake up the company.

"Did I confessed my undying love to you?"

"What?!" I looked at him. He chuckled softly and grasped my chin.

"That's what they do, don't they? While someone is dying in your love they confessed their undying love to you so even if they are dead you can live with that information."

"Well, if I have to be honest..." he cut me off with a soft kiss on my lips. After we parted I leaned closer and after a split second we both leaned further.

"The nightmare turned into a daydream."

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