Thranduil ~ Your Home Is By My Side

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This was a thranduil request and so I let my imagination lead me :)

(In this imagine there is no Legolas so Thranduil was never married! Sorry I had to fit this in somehow.)

You looked up to the entrance of the forest. Even though you were an ancient elf, as old as the Mirkwood king, you still were afraid of him. You fought alongside him with the great serpents of the north. You both were scarred deeply. But after that day you couldn't bring yourself to face him. He tried for several hundred years to contact you, but you ignored him at all cost. You knew you would be caught if you stayed in one place too long so you traveled all the middle earth from Mordor to Shire to Rivendell to Erebor. You killed as many orcs and goblins possible and saved the lives of innocence people as much as you could. And in the whole middle earth the only place you haven't walked the Mirkwood forest. You took a deep breath and let yourself in, letting the foul atmosphere surround you.

You walked tentivly, always listening the forest, cause you know that there are great spiders hiding in the forest. And if you knew Thranduil he would have sent legions to kill the nest. You hoped that you will be welcomed to his kingdom. You guessed he would've changed a lot, after his incident. He was gentle, kind and surprisingly funny. He always wore a smile on his face. But know after all those years and pain you weren't so sure.

Will he welcome me to his kingdom, or throw me out? Maybe he would try to send me in cells. I know how to escape though. It won't work on me. I hope. I really wish this will go out smoothly.

You wanted to make things right, be friends with him again, see his smile, hear his voice and feel his embrace. All those years of travelling, he didn't left your mind for a second. He was in your dreams, in your thoughts and in your voice. And if you had to admit you still loved him. But in a way, who wouldn't?

You take a sharp breath and held it in as you draw your arrow. You closed your eyes to hear more clearly and turn your body a couple of millimeters to the right. The cracking of branches start to get louder and you open and saw the great spider running towards you. You shot your arrow and it went right thru his head, making him drop dead. You start to ran, not really knowing where you go, and draw another arrow this time. The voices was on you back sides and top of you, making you feel like you are trapped in a box. You saw a log blocking the way ahead and you took your chance. You jumped over the log and turn to your left, cause the loudest voice was coming from there and shot an arrow at the foul creature.

You keep on running but you look back when you hear an arrow buzzing thru the air and sink in to the meat. You crossed you brows and that's when you saw it. 9 to 13 elves were running behind you trying to get to you and kill the spiders. You felt your confidence rise and pick another arrow. You shot one spider making him fall on top of another spider, making them dead, and leaving a surprised elf behind. You ran faster knowing the priority of these elves are killing the beasts and their next focus was you.

You saw the great gates of the kingdom that once was created by the help of you, a warm and weird feeling concurring your heart. You stopped running and straightened your clothes and bow when you arrived to the bridge. You walked in utter surety and nod to the guards. However this wasn't their cup of tea. They stopped you when you arrived the large doors.

"I'm here to see Thranduil." And with looking into your eyes they see determination and fierce desire. You didn't show your age but they saw the worn out elf in you once you said. "I am (Y/N)"

Both guards held your arms and start to sort of drag you. You didn't fight back, knowing it would make everything worse if you do. As soon as you get inside another two guards grabbed your arms, leaving the other two to go back to their job. You also heard the group you encountered earlier running on the bridge and you smiled a little to yourself.

"You are taking me to Thranduil, right?" you questioned. You didn't want to go to anywhere else.

"KING Thranduil, and yes." The guard who grabbed your left arm said, you scoffed and rolled your eyes. So that's what he calls himself now. It felt so good to finally walk these roads again and climb the stairs. It almost felt like home. Your heart flutters and you get anxious when you stand in front of the guards that protected the room.

"You have a visitor my lord."

"Who is it?" he asked his eyes closed and a hand rubbing his temples. He heard your steps. He knew who they belong to but he assumed he was rusting, cause you were far far away. He thought you hated him for the great pain he caused. If only he didn't asked you to come with him. He loved you dearly, and before he could confess anything to you, you walked out of his life. He tried to contact you, try to bring you back home, back to his arms but it was no use. He had to live with his own imagination of another reality, where you won't leave him.

"A very old friend." You said, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"(Y/N)?" he stand up almost immediately. "Let her pass."

You slide past the guards and onto the clearing of his throne room. He was as handsome as you last remembered, flawless skin, bluest eyes, fiercest brows and the best damn hair of all time. He was at top of you on his throne and he get up as soon you get inside. He looked happy and cracked a smile but then his face turn blank, and angry. He made his way down the stairs quickly.

"How could you be so irresponsible? You were gone for over five hundred years now. Did you know my suffer? Do you understand? Why? Why did you abandoned me? You left me in pain and sorrow. After couple of times I failed to reach you I started to think you were dead! What makes you think you can come back?" The last question hit you like a brick. His face transforming to a scarred face, as well as yours turning in shame and sorry. He looked almost scared at your face as you let you cover down.

"This." You said just above a whispered and took out your necklace, the one that Thranduil gave to you. He took it in his hands and turn it over. Inside a glass compartment there wrote 'uuma demad manke lle hoon lirill.' (Which roughly translates to: don't forget where your heart lays.') in his handwriting.

"I was scared of what you would've said when you saw my scars. I was scared of my feeling so I ran away. I search whole middle earth to find a home. To find a place that makes me feel like home. I ran far away and nowhere felt like here. It almost felt like home when I walked in these halls, even if I was being dragged." You fall down, breaking into sobs. You were holding all of this for far too long. You were never the one to cry in front of someone. Thranduil wrapped you in his embrace and you smiled a bit when you notice he was smelling exactly like the same when you left him. He pressed you in his chest and kiss your temple. He looked at your eyes, noticing how madly he missed them. He smiled ever so faintly and planted a tender kiss on your lips. He shake of his robe and place it on your shoulders after noticing you were shaking and pulled you on his lap and just hugged you.

"My heart lays with you." You whispered to his chest just before slipping into dreamland. He picked you up and looked at you with adore. He placed you on the soft mattress of his bed in his room and planted another kiss on your forehead. He wanted to scream out of joy. He wanted the whole world to know that you returned to him. But he couldn't gave into your sleeping face. He strip off his formal dressing and slip next to you, pulling you closer to him. He whispered, knowing this phrase would eco in your dreams.

"Your home is by my side."

A/N: Happy New Yearssss!

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