Bilbo ~ I Should Have Seen That Aforetime.

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You woke up to a knock on the door. You were waiting for this almost a week ago. You get up feeling strangely energetic, you slept for only 4 to 5 hours. You almost ran to the door and yank it open.

"Gandalf!" you said excitedly and jump into his arms.

"Oh my dear (Y/N)! Can I come in?" You let Gandalf in and start to prepare some tea. You and Gandalf had a little agreement. Gandalf knew how much Bilbo meant for you, and how much you meant for him, so he promised if Bilbo feels really homesick, out of place or if the dwarves treat him a bit too harsh for Gandalf's liking, he would take you with him to the journey. He sipped his tea.

"Hope you are ready for a journey (Y/N)." he said with a slight smile.

"I was ready weeks ago. I am surprised that Bilbo lasted this long without feeling homesick. Really, what happened so you came, if I may ask?" Gandalf grow a bit sad and he looked a bit older.

"He was homesick, like you said, and dwarves are not really welcoming, well at least some of them are but not all of them. That caused him to feel, out of place. I thought a little bit of home would make him feel good." He explained.

"Go grab your stuff, we have to leave as quickly as possible. They are quiet far from us at this point. But I know a couple of tricks that will make us catch up with them." He said with a little wink. You smiled big and ran to your bedroom and changed into something more suitable for this kind of quest. After that you get your already packed bag and ran to the front door. Gandalf was already in front of the door, waiting for you. After you get out and closed the door, you both walked to the forest.

"Gandalf, are we going to walk to them? I mean it would take an awful lot of time and effort to catch up with them, right?"

"You are quiet right my dear (Y/N), that why we are out of the sights of hobbits." He said as you both stand in a clearing. Just as you were going to question him he whistled. And much to your surprise, a giant eagle flew from the sky and landed in front of you. Paralyzed from this majestic creature, and if you were honest a bit scared, you just threw a side glance to Gandalf and he smiled at you. He picked you up and set you on top of the soft fur of the eagle. He climbed behind you and you two start to soar in the sky. The night was falling and you saw a trail of smoke coming from a particular clearing.

"I believe we've found them." You said to Gandalf.

"Yes (Y/N), we've found them. But we don't want to scare them by landing next to them on a big eagle, do we?" you chuckled a bit and shake your head. After the eagle dropped you off, you walked to the company.

"If they didn't welcomed Bilbo, how are they going to welcome me?" You asked just above a whisper.

"When I told them about this they were thrilled to have a female in company. They think it will be good for them and for Bilbo."

"So Bilbo knows I am coming?"

"No, I thought you may want to surprise him." He said and smiled gently at you gesturing towards the group. You stepped on a branch while trying to get a better look on the troop. Of course they heard it and quickly get their swords and, in Kili's case, bow.

"Who is there?!" Thorin questioned and stepped a bit forward, ready to attack.

"It's me, Gandalf." And with that Gandalf come out in front of the company. Your eyes were fixated on Bilbo. You haven't seen him for almost a week. He haven't changed, but you missed him. Gandalf turned to look at you, wondering why you haven't showed your face yet. Excitement of seeing Bilbo again bubbled inside you and you ran get out behind the branches firstly slowly but when you saw Bilbo's face turn into a shock and mutter a quiet "(Y/N)?" you giggled, ran towards him. When you two embrace each other in a bone crashing hug, you quietly whispered "I missed you so much." In the crook of his neck. He smiled and nuzzled his face closer to your hair and neck. The company slowly sit down, watching you two happily. Gandalf sat on a rock, a little far from the rest, smoking old toby.

"What are you doing here? This is a dangerous task!" Bilbo said bit angrily, bit happily.

"Don't give me that look Bilbo. You know I can wield a sword better than you." You said and the company give out a long 'uuuu' and Fili jokingly said 'ouch'. Bilbo touched gently on your face and brush his hand in your hair and then quiet literally swept you from your feet. He tipped you over (like they do in the old movies) and kissed you gently yet with passion. Just like in your dreams. The company cheered and whistled and in between them Bilbo whispered to your lips.

"I can wield you better."

To much surprise when you two broke of and sat down side by side, some of the dwarves patted Bilbo on the back and Bilbo could swore he saw Thorin winked at him. Gandalf was still astonished and his eyes was bit wider than normal. Then he let out a low chuckle.

"I should have seen that aforetime."

A/N: oh my gondor. thank you guys so much for 500 reads! Durin bless you.

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