Fili ~ I Have To Thank My Wingman

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'I'm a warrior, so why the heck I'm afraid of one simple dwarf prince?'

'Well the thing is, you're in love with him, and love is not simple.' Answered another voice in my head.

'No I'm not in love with Fili! He is ridiculous! He is just another dwarf!'

'There is no kidding yourself. I am you remember? He is not just another dwarf! You love him, just accept the fact.'

'I cannot love him. He knows that he can do so much better than me. And besides Kili is my best friend, he would never approve my love towards his brother. I wish I could open up to him.'

"Hey (Y/N)!" I was torn apart from my thoughts as a voice called behind me and a hand reach over to me to grab my shoulder.

"Oh hello Kili, what you're up to?" I asked as I stepped over a rather large rock and crush the leaves.

"Well, I was just thinking of every ones future..."

"Go on."

"And I was wondering to myself, who am I going to end up with?"


"Do you ever wonder that my dear (Y/N)?"

"I mean everybody gets curious of the future. Of course I like to imagine my future but I cannot think who would like to end up with me."

"If I were you I would think otherwise."

"Come on Kili you know that there is no peace for me. After this quest nothing will be the same again." "I am not even sure we could have the changed life." I muttered under my breath.

"Does my brother bother you, (Y/N)?" Fili approach to me and I was in a sandwich of Durin's heirs. HE turned to me and give me a smile, his braids dangling around his mouth.

"No not at all." I said and smiled back. But then Kili throw his arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

"Oh come on, you are beautiful."

"What?" I and Fili said simultaneously.

"I mean with the conversation we were having earlier. Any guy would be lucky to have you." Kili said and moved his arm around me. I'm not sure but I think he hit Fili.

"I can agree with that." Fili said and a light blush take over my cheeks.

"But I think you have more treats than being drop dead gorgeous. You are smart, kind, funny and a five-star fighter." Making you blush a tomato like red

"Thank you." I muttered and buried my head into Kili's shoulder. Kili laughed aloud.

"I think we've embarrassed her."

"Ah come on now you have nothing to be embarrassed about." Fili said and take over his arms position with his. If it was possible I would have gone a bright solid red.

"She's blushing!" Kili stated loudly making the whole company turn to us.

"Shut up." I murmured and nudge him on the sides. The company was still looking at us with a big grin on their faces.

"You two lovebirds have nothing to hide." Shouted Bofur and I wanted to slap his head.

"Act like we are not here!"

"Oh come on, kiss the girl!"

"HE DOESN'T SEE ME IN THAT WAY!" I shouted a bit sad and awkward in this kind of situation.

"Are you sure?" Kili said and turned me to my side and I found Fili gazing down on me.

"KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS!" the whole company, even Gandalf and Thorin, cheered.

"Might as well try." Fili whispered and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me closer and dipped down brushing his lips over mine gently before kissing me softly. The cheering of the company get hazy. After we broke apart he lowered his hand to take mine.

"I will leave you two lovers alone." Kili said and winked at us.

"You know you give yourself so little credit. You are so much more than you believe in."

"I just can't see what I am from my point of view I guess."

"I will help you to see yourself the way I see yourself."

"I would like to see those days."

"I don't mean to let you go." He said making my insides warm. Then he added.

"I have to thank my wingman."


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