Smaug / Part 3 *FINAL* ~ To A New Start

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His features softened as he gazed my face. "Tell me more about yourself."

We sat in a pile of gold, side by side.

"So you never knew that dragons could shapeshift?"

"No, but if all of them are like you, there is no need for them to have a vision of a dragon."

"I mean you are actually very funny, and kind once I get to know you. Well maybe you are a bit of a douche and you like to kill, but you are nice. And very handsome by the way."

"So you say." He said and smiled at me.

"You don't have to do this." I said rapidly. "You don't need to live like this. You do not need to kill Thorin, or ruin another city."

"I do not think I am capable of doing something like that (Y/N)." he said and looked away.

He get up and smelled the air.

"Oakenshield." I whipped my head where his eyes were focused on and saw Bilbo and Thorin bickering. Thorin's sword was out and pointing at Bilbo. They both looked behind me and I followed their gaze. Smaug stood there with all his might. Rest of the company tumbled in and with that their great game of tag started. Within those fifteen minutes I get to know the ill-tempered dragon, Smaug, and some might say I just like him. And if I know him as well as I thought then this would end in blood bath.

I made my way out of the castle and make a run to the boat. Just as I reached and unknotted the boat from the rock that it was fixated, Smaug tumbled out of the great gates of Erebor, soaked in gold. I hurried more and keep on glancing to the Dragon. He is not the man I get to know. He is entirely someone else. I stopped dead in tracks when he took off. He swirled a few times, making the gold fall down. Shimmering gold covered all around me as he flew to Lake Town. The company get out after Smaug all of them in different parts of the collapsed gate.

"(Y/N)!" Bilbo shouted. I looked over at him.

"I'm sorry Bilbo!" I shouted back and jumped inside the boat. It will be a long ride to Lake Town and being the only one on the boat did not made things easy for me. I watched as Smaug, no, the Dragon destroyed and killed. I stumbled few people on my way to the town, which they responded my route as 'crazy' and 'thirsty for blood'. I shrugged it off. I know damn well how this will end, but I risk my own life just to change a fraction.

At the time I reached the outer skirts of the town and start to run, Smaug was talking to a tower, which I suppose Bard was standing on. I watched as he flew up and as he was about to breath fire a black arrow flew. And hit its spot. The bright color on Smaug's chest faded as he gave out a screech, and collapsed on the other side of the town. Everything was burning and fire was licking my bear arms but I cared not. The tower fell down with him. Being an elf meant that I was fast on my feet and I reached where The Dragon was supposedly fell. But there were no wings or scales around. I searched frantically and after a while my eyes set on a man, lying and breathing shallowly in a pile of timber. I make a run for it and pulled the woods away and turned him to me.

"(Y/N)..." he said out of breath eyes almost closing.

"Smaug. Open your eyes. Stay with me." I breathed out.

"Do you believe in me? Do you think I deserve another chance?" he asked sadness dripping from his words.

"Yes." I let out as a tear drop fell to his open wound. He hissed in response but his eyes widen. I wrapped his scarf around his chest, making it soaking blood. "You are going to be alright." I said more to myself.

"The tear of a lovely elf. Of course I'll be alright." He start to shift and try to get up. I wrapped my arms around his torso and helped him up.

"Come on. Let's get in this." I said and walked to a boat and we settled in. I start to paddle. "We need to go as far as we can, where no one can reco-" He kissed me sweetly and gazed upon my eyes.

"To a new start."

A/N: So here's the last part of the Smaug image. I really enjoyed writing it! Please leave comments they make me very happy! This might be take record for the longest produced image 'cause I had to look up for scripts and rewatch the scenes with Smaug. But it was enjoyable nontheless. This also take record for the longest imagine I wrote which is amazing! I love you guys

P.S: Don't forget to request!

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