Thorin ~ Sleep Tight, Men Lananubukhs

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Yeah, I confess, I have a tiny little crush on Thorin. But I bet every dwarf in Erebor had one. He has the bluest eyes and prettiest face ever. And if you get the chance to see his smile it is the most wonderful thing ever. That was my treasure.

The company was really accepting of me, because I was one of the best fighters in the company, making the whole quest easier for me. I helped Bilbo with few things about the company, and well, I and he hit it off. Today started out exclusively bad, before anyone was packed and ready to go, three orcs on their wargs attacked us. Of course they did not stand a chance giving that we were 15 and they were only three, but still that's a crappy way to start a day. Everyone was on their horses, Thorin leading the way, alone. I was at Bilbo's side, but after a while decide to accompany Thorin. After all every day I don't get the chance to speaking him alone. After I reached him and synced our ponies speed I turn to him. He was wearing one of his big frowns. So I decide to entertain him.



"Why are you pouting?"

"I am not pouting, (Y/N), I am frowning."

"Well you frown so much I don't remember your face without it." He stayed silence so I start to hit on him.

"Hey, don't frown. You never know who could be falling in love with your smile." This got him by surprise and look at you, and suppressed his smile, but failed miserably.

"There's the smile I love." You said and quietly giggle.

"Are you guys trying to have a contest? Who has the worst pick-up line?" shouted Kili behind your back, which made you blush and at the same time made you come up with a mischievous idea.

"Shut up Kili." Thorin growled and you saw his cheeks tint with a slight pink.

"I would've won the contest, anyway." You said with a smirk.

"Oh really?" Thorin looked at you and smiled a bit "You're on. Ladies first."

"The fires of Mount Doom aren't nearly as hot as you are." You said and laughed a bit to your own cheesiness.

"Oh Malah hmm, your beauty has pierced my heart like a Morgul Blade."

"Hmm, oh this is bad, I'd love to climb your Lonely Mountain." Kili and Fili groaned in response.

"Hahaha, I'll have you for second-breakfast." Kili and Fili groans grow louder

"You're so beautiful you made me forget my pick up line."

He leaned over and linked his hand with yours "Your hand looks heavy. Let me hold it for you."

You paused a second to think.

"Do you give up yet?" he asked with a smirk. Little did you both now the whole company is listening to your little competition.

"You may fall from the sky, you may fall from a tree, but the best way to fall... is in love with me."

"What if I already am?" and looked at you. You blushed a deep crimson color.

"Well that would be the most amazing thing ever." You said and squeezed his hand.

"Ah-em I guess it's a tie." Declared Fili.

That night was the most different you had experienced with the company. Thorin was always by your side and keep on making jokes. It was a joyful night and time fly away. It was cold and you feel tired. You shivered a bit and rest your head on Thorin's shoulder. Thorin stiffened up but then relaxed. Your eyes closed and you snuggled closer to him. He shake of his furry coat and wrap it around you.

"Sleep tight, men lananubukhs."

(men lananubukhs = my love)

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