Fili ~ Not Before Another Kiss

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You were in the company, reaching the tops of mountains, crossing the forests. You were walking in one of those said forest, Kili and Fili on your sides. It was close to night time. The sun just went down and the last rays of sun gave forest a beautiful look. You always liked these times. When everything is quiet, you can only hear the birds chippering and wind murmuring and only the chatters of the company could break the silence. Kili and Fili was chatting away aimlessly talking about this and that and you were looking around, admiring the beauty and pureness of nature, when the topic came to... well, girls.

"You know I don't fancy elves THAT much. I've never had, high cheek bones and not enough facial hair." Said Kili making you snort a little, which made you blush a bit. You felt eyes on you and quickly look down, suddenly the whole earth beneath you became more interesting.

"I don't know. I find them quite adorable. I don't like facial hair on women." Said Fili. Suddenly you became really self-conscious. Sure you were half dwarf-half elf and you didn't carry any facial hair but despite that you weren't long and didn't have luxurious hair like elves did. "And even appearance is important, there is much more to a girl than that." Added Fili, making you become more and more interested in story. You played along though. Just like you weren't listening to them you continued to look around.

"Oh really? Tell me about what you look in a girl."

"Well she have to be shorter than me," Checked

"She have to be able to protect herself." I-I guess?

"And of course she have to be adorable," Hmm shoot.

"She have to be clever too. You know, prevent you from doing anything extremely stupid." Well... 'I didn't knew you had to have a supervisor on every move you do.' He is reckless. I also studied alongside Balin but I am not a genius.

"She have to be funny," Oh... I-umm

"And overall have a nice personality." ... guess I don't stand a chance.

You cleared your throat and said: "I'm going over Bombur. See you later."

They nod and to your surprise they ... laughed. Yeah they laughed behind your back. You felt sick and run a little to catch Bombur. He was always nice to talk to. He was like a father to you and most importantly he knew about your little secret. Well to name it we could call it Fili.

"Hey lass!" he saw you next to him. He was eating an apple he found on a tree. "You want a bite?" he asked nudging the apple a bit towards you.

"Nah thanks." You replied and picked a flower. You place it behind your ear and continue to walk.

"You okay lassie? You seem drained."

"Yeah. Not my brightest day I guess."

"Was it them?" he asked nodding to Kili and Fili.

"They start to talk about women and I get a bit uncomfortable I guess."

"Well you don't have to be you are as perfect a dwarf-elf could be." He said and winked to you, continuing on chewing his food.

"We are stopping here for tonight! Fili, (Y/N) the first watch is yours. Bofur start the fire. Bombur prepare the dinner. Dwalin and Balin come here!" Thorin announced and stopped at a little clearing. You noticed how tired you were after the little orc attack you had earlier that day. You dropped your bags and sit on a stone and yank your little notebook out and start writing down, knowing you won't have the chance after dinner. Fili walked past you and shoot a wink.

After a time Bombur shouted. "Everyone grab your bowls!" You get up and get in the line. After you had your soup and settled down and just after a minute Fili sit next to you his brother following shortly after. You smiled at them and took interest on your bowl, feeling a little awkward next to them after the talk. Bombur noticed your discomfort and called you over with him and Bilbo. You had a nice dinner with talking and laughing with your friends and in a blink they were all preparing to sleep. When everyone was sound asleep you get up and wondered around the clearing.

"You shouldn't be here all alone." Said a voice and you knew it was Fili. He had a bad habit of sneaking behind you when you weren't looking. But what surprised you what he did next. He wrapped his arms around you. But this was nothing compared to what he said next:

"Mahal, you don't understand how much I wanted to do this,

Or cuddle with you,

Or hold your hand,

Or braid your hair,

Or show everyone how much I love you." In this point he turned you towards him so you were tightly held against him, your hands against his chest. You glanced at him and look down and he buried his head into your hair.

"Or how much I want to kiss you." He murmured last part to your hair.

"Why don't you just do it then." You whispered also and Fili didn't need to hear this twice. He pulled you in a breathtaking kiss. And in that moment you understand that you were everything they talked about.

"We better get back. We don't want another orc pack striking at us." You said in a soft voice. His lips is just a little away from yours.

"Not before another kiss."

A/N : Happy New Years guys i hope y'all have a wonderfull year!

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