Pippin ~ Guess You Found Yourself A Boyfriend

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You wait in anxiety in your hobbit hole. You were chewing your nails, a bad habit you do when you, get nervous. You got a mail two days ago, from Pippin, saying that they're in the Bree. You were happy and furious at the same time. He just ran away. Of course when they were at Rivendell he sent a mail to you, saying he was with Merry, Sam, Frodo and couple of elves, men and dwarves and saying he is going on a quest! And which made you further nervous was that he had gone to Mordor, to defeat the One ring. You were so scared that he could be dead. When you got that mail you knew that you wouldn't be able to contact him, or in his case he you, so that practically meant that he left you all alone, not knowing if he is dead or alive. Merry, Sam, Pippin and Frodo were your numbered friends. You tried to go on with your life, keep a happy face for your and everyone's sake.

Two days ago, when you get that surprising letter, that was when everything gone down. You locked yourself in your hole, barely eating and drinking, thinking of what you are going to say when he arrives. What if he gets attacked on his way from Bree? What if he brings another hobbit from Bree? What if he realized how annoying you were? Or what if... he didn't miss you at all? That would be the death of you. What if they all decided that they had had enough of you? You couldn't bear the thoughts and grabbed a pillow, letting out a muffled scream. Why do you care so much about him?

While he was away, you noticed something. You have feeling towards that boy with brown curls. You loved his smile and voice and his pranks. You thought of all the times you spent alone with Pippin and how lovely he was. You two almost acted like a couple. But how you were going to tell him that.

You get up and start to make tea. You put the pot over the fire, letting the water boil, all the time your head buzzing with questions. Just as you put the boiling water on the table you heard the door knock. You stopped for a minute, for you weren't sure if you heard that right. But then you heard another four knocks. You dashed and unlock the door. You yanked it open and saw Pippins back. He turned to you with a soft smile. His face was clean but there were scratches here and there. He held out his arms, welcoming you to his arms. You didn't need a second thought to let yourself in them.

"I missed you so much, love." He murmured to your hair. You let out a muffled chuckle and feel the tears welling up.

"I missed you too." You said and sniffed a bit. He let go of you and dried your tears with the pad of his thumb.

"I hope those are happy tears he said softly and caressed your cheek a bit. You nodded and leaned to his touch. Then you remembered the tea.

"Oh my, come inside! You must be tired. Do you fancy a cup of tea?" You asked and stepped aside. Letting him pass. He opened his cloak and put it aside neatly.

"Do you still remember the way to the kitchen or do I have to remind you?" you asked from kitchen and poured the water in the cups.

"I remember everything about you he said behind you, making you startled. You blush at his comment and put the pot away. He sat on the table and you pushed his cup towards him. You sat down too and sip your tea. He started the conversation.

"You didn't changed at all."

"Well you have some scratches here and there but you are still the same old Pippin."

"Hah. I think they made me manlier. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Definitely a good thing." You looked down at the table picking up different shapes from the design of the wood.

"I hardly think anyone would like to date me."

"That's an understatement. Anyone would be lucky to date you." You blushed at the comment and quickly glanced at his face. He was smiling adoringly at you. Observing every inch of your face. You sighed and took another sip from your tea.

"Pippin I have to tell you something."

"I'm listening."

"There is something I've been waiting to say but before I do, I just... I want you to know that you don't have to say it back. I know you are probably not ready to hear it and I don't want you to say it just because social convention dictates..."

"I love you, too" Pippin cuts you off and you look at him with wide eyes. He smiled and get up from his seat and planted a kiss on your lips over the table.

That day you stayed inside. Pippin told you all of his adventures and how you never left his mind. You said what new happened in your life and in Shire, which hardly ever happens. Towards the nightfall, he started the fire and you sat on his lap by the fire. You two occasionally shared kisses. You start to feel sleepy so Pippin picked you in bridal style and walked you in your bedroom and planted a kiss on your forehead before slipping in beside you. He closed his eyes and breathed out:

"Guess you found yourself a boyfriend."

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