Merry ~ You Are Certainly More Adventurous Than My Books

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I sipped on my tea and sighed happily. The book was engulfing me into its story and I was loving every part of it. I pulled the blanket closer to me when they start fighting but my smooth reading get interrupted by three rapid knocks on the door. I groaned a little. Who could've come in this hour? I set the book down and dragged the blanket with me. I walked towards the door and another impatient knock came on before I could reach it.

"I'm coming!" I shouted and reach to the door handle. The cold air hit me like a brick and I pulled the blanket closer to me, all while I squeezed my eyes to get a better view on the hobbit standing in front of me.

"Merry! What are you doing her-?"

"I am going to surprise you. Come on." He said and grabbed my arm, pulling me with him, resulting in me dropping the blanket on the floor. I just had the time to reach and close the door before Merry sprinted forward, his hand linked with mine. He turned around and smiled at me his curls bouncing from his head. I looked at our linked hands and back to him with a slight blush and he just smiled deeper and continue on running pulling me further more. We ran downhill and past Frodo's house. He start to slow his pace ever so slightly when the road get a bit rocky. He led us out of the path and I feel the grass between my finger toes. He led me near a pond, by the entrance of the forest. He slowed more and turn to capture both my hands. He walked backwards and grinned at me.

"(Y/N) I am sure you are wondering why I bring you here."

"I'm actually more concerned about why we ran."

"Because it might rain in any seconds. But that's not the point. I had something that I wanted to tell you for a very long time, but couldn't find the right words nor the courage. So now I believe this is the right time and place this. Gandalf helped me make this, I am sure you would like it." He said in a breath and took another deep breath and look inside your eyes. He turned his head a little, but without taking his eyes off of you, and shouted.

"Pippin. FIRE IT!"

A confused look washed over my face as I look at Merry but than a light captured my eyes. A single solitary light rose above the trees and into the sky. And when it was just above us it exploded in to a giant heart shape with 'I love you' written inside. The colours of the firework faded and little bits of it start to fade away but before they could fall down they come alive and shape up like butterflies and start to make their way towards us , my eyes wide and they settled on one and only Meriadoc "Merry" Brandybuck.

"Well I think that summed up pretty well but there are few more things I want to add." The little butterflies continue to fly all around us, surrounding us in a beautiful golden cage.

"I cannot find the words to describe your beauty but I know that whenever I look at you or you smile at me or laugh, those things make my day better. You make me feel alive more than ever. I love you (Y/N) (Y/L/N). What do you say about that?" I open up your mouth to answer him but before I could even make a sound a bright light flashed and seconds later a loud thunder erupted. A horrible rain fall and just in seconds our cloths were sticking to us. I laughed and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Does this says enough?" I screamed over the rain and laughed with joy.

"YES!" Merry shouted and picked me up, spinning us both. I was overjoyed.

"I want another one." He said and dipped me to him and we both get lost in our silly little kiss.

I heard a "Get a room!" towards the path and saw a shadow running up to hill. I smiled wider and kiss his cheek. "Come on let's get inside, we might catch a cold." He said and he give me a piggy back ride all the way to my home. After we get inside and changed into something warmer, I picked up the blanket from the floor and place it over us.

"You are certainly more adventurous than my books."

A/N: As I said in the last chapter hit me up on kik (or should I say Kik me hahahA): thranduils_bitch

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