Untitled Part 15

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I was so close to breaking down that wall that Kia has built around herself. So fucking close. But then she just ran away. And I let her go.

I want my feet to move so I can go after her, but I can't. Why the hell can't I move? One foot in front of the other. Just move, dumbass!

"Why the hell are you still standing in my backyard?" Matt asked.

"What?" I asked, looking at Matt.

I didn't even realize that anyone noticed what had just happened. My mind is all over the place.

"Go get her, dipshit!" Zack yelled at me.

Glancing at Juan, he smiled. Nodding his head at me, he shoved me forward a little.

"Go, man. Stop standing here. She can't find her keys." Juan smiled, holding a set of keys in his hand.

"I owe you one." I said, sprinting out of the yard.

Juan was right, Kia is getting pissed as she digs through her purse for her keys. I jogged up to her, stopping in front of her. Kia wiped her eyes and shook her head.

"Brian." She sighed.

"Just stop." I told her.

"What?" She stared at me confused.

"Let me take you out tomorrow night. Or we can stay in. One way or the other, you're gonna give me a chance." I grinned.

I'm so close to making a break through with her. I know I have to be pushy or she won't give in at all.

"Brian, you're a nice guy, but I'm definitely not what you want." She said, turning to leave the driveway.

I gripped her hips and spun her around to face me. Kia gasped, her hands flying to brace herself on my chest.

"Stop running sweetheart. It only makes me chase you that much more." I said quietly.

"I like my personal space." She whispered, staring at me with wide eyes.

"I like being in your personal space. I like how close you are to me right this very second too." I whispered.

Those bright blue eyes stared at me hesitantly. I let my nose just barely touch hers.

"And I think you like being this close to me too, don't you, kitten?" I asked quietly.

I kept a hold of her waist with one arm, while I reached up with the other one. My fingers gently brushed the hair out of her eyes. Kia kept her eyes on mine the whole time.

"I'm not a monster. I swear I'm not." I told her.

Something in her eyes flashed very suddenly. It looked like fear to me, but I couldn't be sure. Kia went to step away from me again and I held on. If I let go, she will run from me, then avoid me for the rest of our lives.

"What did I say that made you scared?" I asked her gently.

She looked rather surprised by my question. Did she think I wouldn't notice the fear in her eyes just now. I notice everything about her. Hell, I've stared at her long enough to know what she is thinking. God, is that creepy? I hope not. I'm just infatuated with her. I can't help myself.

"Nothing." She said quickly.

"Wrong. There was something. I wouldn't hurt you, baby." I told her.

"That's what they all say." She whispered, fully pulling away from me.

I knew it was a trust issue she had. I just knew it. And now she just stepped away from me. I'm teetering on her saying yes to going out with me. I have to think fast, or else she is gone for good.

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