Untitled Part 54

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"Kiki, come on!" Jimmy whined, pulling me through a crowd of people.

I let out a laugh and let him pull me behind him. As it turns out, everyone came with us to the fair. I didn't mind it though. It was nice to have all of us together. And let me just say, Jimmy loves the fair more than anyone I know.

He led us into The House of Mirrors. I giggled at all the poses he was doing in these crazy mirrors. I got distracted by an image of myself. When I looked up, Jimmy was gone. Turning around in my spot I was standing in, I didn't see him anywhere.

"Jim?" I called out.

No response.

An overwhelming feeling of creepiness sank through me. It's rather dark in here, and as I am trying to find my way out, I feel like I am being watched. It's probably just these damn mirrors, but, still. I just want out now.

As I weaved through the maze, I heard a chuckle somewhere behind me. I froze, turning slowly. No one was in sight. Jimmy knows I scare easily, so I don't think it was him. Ignoring it, I continued on my way.

Then, I heard it again. Only this time it was closer.

My heart lurched and my feet moved for me. I was bumping into mirrors and getting more confused and turned around. That feeling of panic was starting to consume me. The chuckle echoed off the walls of this creepy ass makeshift house. Slowly, I started backing up. My eyes are all over the place, trying to find this person.

"Kia?" Jimmy asked behind me.

I shrieked and spun around at him. He was more than a little surprised when I clung to him like a child. Jimmy hugged on to me.

"Hey, hey, hey! What's wrong?" Jimmy asked, leaning back to look at me.

"Someone is in here." I whispered.

"Probably. It is a fair." He grinned a little.

"You alright?" He asked worried.

"Yeah. Can we go?" I asked.

"Of course!" He smiled, taking my hand.

I've never been so glad to leave somewhere that was supposed to be fun. As soon as the door open, I sucked in a deep breath of air. All of my uneasiness was gone. I don't know what that was, but, it scared me. Then again, most things do.

"There you are." Brian smiled, kissing my cheek.

I forced a smile onto my lips and nodded at him. Jimmy was talking about getting something to eat with Zack. Brian was all for eating too. I wasn't. Something about what just happened has killed my appetite. But, I still followed along with everyone. Brian of course raised an eyebrow at me when I turned down a funnel cake. He knows how much I love those things.

"Everything alright?" Brian asked me quietly.

"Yeah. Just got turned around in there was all. Lost track of Jimmy." I shrugged.

Brian raised an eyebrow at me. Damn it! Why can't he just not see through my bullshit every once in a while. He knows I am not telling him everything.

"Uh huh. What elese?" He asked.

See what I mean?

"It's me being paranoid is all." I grinned a little, watching him cross his arms.

I let out a dramatic groan, watching him laugh. He smiled and nodded at me.

"And?" He asked.

"Someone was....following me, it felt like. They kept laughing, but, I didn't see them anywhere. It was creepy." I muttered.

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