Untitled Part 32

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"Kia, come on!" Juan yelled.

I've been going over all of our bills at the studio, and things are not looking in our favor. On top of that, a large hole developed in the fucking roof. The money it cost to have it repaired cut into our monthly budget for our normal bills. If we don't get turned around soon, we may have to shut down.

"Go ahead, Juan. I'm almost done." I sighed, glancing up at him.

Juan has a rather hot date with Molly tonight. Rumor has it, he plans on proposing to her. I like her. I don't know her that well, but she makes him happy.

"Any other night I would argue with you. But you know I can't. You sure you're going to be alright leaving here alone?" He asked.

"My car is right next to the building. Go. And I know she's going to say yes." I smiled at him.

"I hope so. Love you, Chiquita!" Juan yelled, as he walked away.

"Love you too!" I yelled back.

Forty five minutes later, I still wasn't getting the numbers I wanted. Feeling rather frustrated, I decided to call it a night.

After shutting the lights off, I heard a quiet tapping on the glass door. I smiled when I saw Alaina. I opened the door and stepped out to lock up the building.

"Hey! You coming over to Matt's tonight?" She smiled.

"Yeah. I just need to shower up and then Brian is going to-" I stopped talking.

Looking over her shoulder, I saw Carlos approaching rapidly. I grabbed Alaina and shoved her behind me. My blood turned to ice. A chill ran down my back. I don't have to be close to him to know he has been drinking. When he drinks, he becomes incredibly violent.

"Oh god." Alaina whispered behind me.

"How's your Rockstar boyfriend?" Carlos sneered.

Brian and I have been blasted across tons of magazines since we stepped out publicly with our relationship. They mainly want to know who I am. I see that Carlos has figured out that I'm dating Brian.

"Nothing to say, you little bitch?" He growled out to me.

Alaina grabbed my hand and squeezed. My eyes darted around for an easy escape for us to run. There isn't one. My car is blocking my exit. We would have to risk running past Carlos, or climb over the back of my car. If it was just me, I'd hop over the car. But I cannot leave Alaina.

We need help, and we need it fast. I squeezed Alaina's hand tightly. Carlos stepped closer to us. I flinched when his hand came up, but he surprised me when he grabbed Alaina. Alaina let out a yelp.

"Let go of her!" I screamed, grabbing onto Alaina.

"Fuck you, Carlos!" Alaina screamed.

In the midst of our struggle, Alaina and I fell to the concrete. The skin on my arm scraped over it harshly, causing me to yelp in pain. Alaina grabbed at the side of her head. I looked up to see Carlos standing over us. I shoved myself in front of Alaina. I'm ready to throw up from the fear I feel.

Carlos reached down and snatched me up by my throat, pulling me to my feet. This man is huge. He could snap me in two if he wanted to very easily.

Carlos slammed my body into the brick wall behind me, never releasing my throat. My airway is being cut off. I'm clawing at his hands to let go. I can't breathe.

"You better fucking leave him. You have two fucking weeks, or I'm coming back. I'll kill him and everyone you care about, Kia." He snarled.

Carlos leaned into my ear. What he said to me next scared me more than him hitting or choking me. And he said it so only I would hear.

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