Untitled Part 41

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"I know, Juan. I will call you when I'm done. I promise." Kia rolled her eyes.

I grinned at her while she spoke to her brother on the phone. It's been two weeks since she came back to Matt's house to stay with me. In those two weeks, we have worked really hard on being an actual couple.

And it's been the best time of my life. Weird, huh?

We have spent so much time together, that any time we are apart, I find myself counting down the time until we can be together again. It's so crazy. I've never wanted to be with anyone like I do Kia. At first it scared the shit out of me. But, that feeling quickly went away. Now, I find myself relaxing at the thought of being with her, and hating the time away from her.

Kia told me last night that she has to go to a doctor's appointment today. I'm assuming this is a follow-up from when she was so sick a few weeks back.

"Ready?" Kia asked me, hanging up her phone.

"Yep. Just give me directions on where we need to go." I said, taking her hand.

While waiting in the lobby of the doctor's office, I spent my time answering emails, replying to text messages, and playing a game on my phone. This appointment is taking for fucking ever.

It was almost an hour and a half later that Kia finally walked out of the office and into the lobby. I smiled up at her, getting a small grin. I could feel my eyes crinkle with worry. Something is off. Kia is nervous and very distracted as she checks out with the receptionist.

She didn't say anything on the way to the car or even as I started driving. She simply sat quietly, staring out the window.

"Is this when you tell me we are having a baby?" I chuckled.

Kia jolted in her seat and snapped her head in my direction. I see I have her attention now. I figured this was where the talk was heading, and might as well break the ice.

"What? It wasn't that type of and appointment, and no, I'm not pregnant. I have an IUD." She snapped.

Well, I can ease my own mind with that answer, and check it off the list. I also feel slightly stupid for assuming that this was this issue to begin with.

"Good. Not that I would be upset, just so you're aware. I mean, I'm not really ready to be a dad yet, but, I wouldn't be upset if you were." I said calmly.

"Can....can you pull over?" She whispered, staring at her hands in her lap.

I didn't question it. I found a parking lot and pulled into it. Shutting the car off, I turned to look at her. I reached for her hand and held it. Kia is ready to cry, and this made my nerves kick into high gear.

"Talk to me, sweetheart. What's bothering you?" I asked softly.

"On top of my arthritis and chronic Lyme disease, I just found out I have Fibromylagia." She said tearfully.

What the hell is that? I'm assuming this isn't good. I'm ready to vomit.

"What does that mean, babe? I'm not familiar with this." I said, feeling an icy knot form in my stomach.

"It's chronic pain. Like, widespread pain that can last months. It causes memory problems at times, tingling or numbness of the limbs. There's no cure. There is just dull, aching pain, all the time." She sniffled.

I thought someone just hit me in the face with a fucking brick. I don't understand why people who have never done anything to anyone, get the shit end of the stick. It pisses me off to no end.

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