Untitled Part 6

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"I've never wanted to call a female a dickhead in all my life, like I do right now." Brian glared at me.

I had been in the barn, petting the horses. I glanced over to see a bright red lipstick print on his cheek. Oh, is he pissed! I let out a laugh. They thought I was kidding. Nope. Aunt Vanessa loves doing that to anyone. I always manage to get away.

Brian stepped closer to me as I was petting Thunder on the face. I can't stop laughing. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Seriously?" He growled.

"Yep." I smiled, giving Thunder one last pet.

"You little shit! I reek of old lady perfume now! All of us do!" He glared.

"You should of ran then." I shrugged.

"You may wanna wipe your cheek off." I pointed at the mark on his face.

"Fuck!" He rumbled, wiping his face furiously.

"It's lipstick. You'll live. God knows you've probably-" I started before he cut me off.

"Do NOT finish that sentence." He smirked.

"Whatever. What did you need? Wanna meet my Grandma?" I smiled.

Brian let out a cross between a growl and a laugh. He shook his head, smirking at me.

"Maybe later. Your mom said you needed to come eat, Chiquita Banana." He smirked happily.

"You definitely do not get to call me that." I huffed, strolling past him.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Only family and friends. You're not either one." I said, not glancing at him.

Brian fell into step beside me. I heard that long sigh that he always does when He is annoyed or in deep thought. The fact that I know this is disturbing to me.

"Kia, wait a minute." He said, pulling on my arm gently.

I shook him off and turned to cross my arms over my chest. Brian shoved his hands into his pockets and looked at me.

"I haven't been nice to you at all. I'm sorry." He said sincerely.

"What do you want, Brian?" I asked annoyed.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"People always want something in return. You want forgiveness, fine. You're forgiven. Just-" I stopped my rant when I saw someone at the edge of the barn.

My heart stopped. Why the fuck is he here!? Why now? This is going to be so fucking bad. So very, very bad!

"Kia?" Brian asked.

"Um, I have to take care of something. I'll catch you later." I said, distracted by the sight before me.

"Do you know him?" Brian asked looking at the figure near the barn.

"Brian." I said looking at him.

My eyes are begging him to go away. Brian needs to leave me alone right this very second. If he doesn't, that figure at the end of the barn is going to make his presence very well known. To everyone in a ten mile radius, that is.

"Kia, who is that?" He asked, stepping closer to me.

"Please do me one favor. Just one." I asked nervously.

"Anything. What do you need?" He asked worried.

"Go get Juan and Mateo. Now. Tell them that Carlos is here." I said quietly.

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