Untitled Part 10

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As I limped my way home, I swore off dating or going on a date ever again. As you may have guessed, I should of listened to my brother's intuition about Tanner. When Juan didn't like him the first time he met him, I should never of said yes.

As I walked the lonely dark streets, the sky opened up and started pouring down rain. I let out a quiet sob. My new skirt was torn and dirty. My once pretty pink blouse was torn at the sleeve. I had tossed my heels a while ago so I could get the fuck away from Tanner.

Slowly I made my way down my street. My right arm is killing me. Tanner had twisted it rather hard. It's not broken, at least I don't think so.

Shivering, I squinted my eyes through the rain. I'm so fucking cold. I want a hot shower to wash away this horrible fucking night.

Finally, my condo came into view. I let out a small sob at the sight of it. How the hell I managed to get away with my purse, I'm not sure.

"Kia!" Brian yelled out over the rain.

Oh hell no.

I can't deal with his bullshit tonight. I haven't talked to him in a week. I definitely don't want to do that tonight either.

Ignoring him, I made my way onto my porch. Sounds of puddles splashing and feet hitting pavement were close behind me.

"Kia?" Brian asked.

I didn't look at him. Instead, I focused on getting my door open. This was proving to be rather hard since my hand is shaking so badly.

"Kia, look at me." Brian said quietly.

I shook my head, dropping my keys in the process. This only aggravated me more.

"Fuck!" I sobbed out.

"Kia, stop." Brian said softly, bending to retrieve my keys.

My sobs aren't being controlled any longer. I heard myself letting out louder ones. More feet splashing in puddles nearby. Multiple feet. I can't bring myself to look at anyone. I'm ashamed.

"Brian? What the hell is going on?" Matt asked.

"More like, what the hell happened to Kia?" Zack asked.

"I just need my keys." I sobbed out.

"Jesus fucking christ. What the fuck happened to you?" Zack whispered to me.

"Guys! Give me a minute here. Please." Brian told them.

"Kia, let's get you inside." Brian said calmly.

Still not looking at him, I nodded. Stepping aside, Brian quickly unlocked my door. He pushed it open. I would of bolted through it, but everything on me hurts too much.

"Easy." Brian said, helping me inside.

I heard the door shut quietly behind me. I fumbled with the light switch, finally flicking it on.

"Matt, get a blanket." Brian muttered at him.

I walked to my kitchen, or limped as I should say, and found my bottle of tequila. I shivered, trying to pour a fucking shot into the glass. A tattooed hand came over mine, gently taking the bottle from me.

"Here." Matt said just above a whisper.

I felt a blanket being wrapped around my shoulders. I can't stop shaking. Very slowly my head turned to look at the three standing in my kitchen.

"Oh my god." Brian whispered, staring at me.

"I think you should sit down." Zack said gently.

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