Untitled Part 16

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"Baby girl, why do you look so worried?" Brian asked me.

We had just gotten to his house and I'm finding myself incredibly nervous. Did I make the right choice? What if Brian is no different than the last two guys I've dated? I can't handle another one like Tanner or Carlos. I just can't.

"I'm just worried." I muttered.

"I can see that. About what though?" He asked, sitting on the bed beside me.

"Brian, my life is anything but picture perfect. I've had a lot of shit happen over the years that has made me very untrusting of people. It's not personal. I swear it isn't." I sighed.

"One thing at a time, sweetie. Ask yourself this, have I done anything to make you not trust me?" He asked.

No. He hasn't. And that is some of my issue. He's been too perfect. I keep waiting for the atomic bomb to drop on me. Then, it will all blow up in my face like it normally does.

"No, I guess you haven't." I said quietly.

"How about we start there then?" He asked.

"This isn't easy for me, Brian. I haven't dated anyone in so long, that I don't even know how to anymore." I groaned.

"You're fucking with me, right?" He asked seriously.

"No." I whispered.

Brian didn't take his eyes off of me. I'm feeling even more nervous and jittery. I'm not sure what he wants or what I'm supposed to do.

"I can go, if you want?" I asked.

"Why the hell would I want that?" He asked surprised.

All I could do was shrug at him. He grinned and shook his head a little.

"No, baby girl. I definitely don't want you to go. I'm just surprised is all." He smiled.

"That I haven't dated in years?" I asked.

"On a scale of one to ten, you're like a fifty, babe. Yeah, it's surprising is all." He chuckled.

"As you can see, I haven't had the best luck in the past." I said.

"Who was that guy the night at your mom's place?" He asked.

And I froze in place.

How the fuck do I talk about Carlos? It's not exactly what Brian thinks. Carlos isn't exactly my ex boyfriend either. If I tell Brian, he is gonna run for the hills quicker than I can blink.

"He's your ex-boyfriend, huh?" Brian asked.

"In a round about way...sure?" I cringed.

"I'm so lost." He chuckled.

Letting out a groan, I turned to face him. Guess it's now or never, huh?

"Carlos is my ex-husband." I whispered, watching how big his eyes were.

"What?" He asked in a whisper.

"I divorced him two years ago. He just keeps coming around. Not all the time, but when I least expect him to." I sighed.

Brian was silent for once. Well, there goes that brief relationship. I felt my wall quickly building up again. I sat up straight, waiting for Brian to ask me to leave his house.

"You married that prick?" He asked amazed.

"I never said it was a good decision." I snapped defensively.

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