Untitled Part 45

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"Has Kia called at all?" I asked Alaina.

"No. She's with Juan. She told you that." She shrugged at me.

For the last week, I'm positive Kia has avoided me. I have no idea why either. We have barely seen each other. She has been spending a lot of time at the studio, and with her family. Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad that she is working or seeing her family. I just can't help but feel that I did something to upset her. If I did, I don't know what it was.

Two days later, and we were heading to LA for making our video Beast and the Harlot. Kia was pretty quiet the whole way there. I was too for that matter. I didn't want to open my mouth and start an argument at five in the morning, so I remained quiet on the drive there.

When we got there, the guys and I were watching the girl who was supposed to be the Harlot. This girl is a fucking nightmare. She can't walk in high heeled shoes. How the fuck can she not, when she is supposed to be an actress?

"This is a fucking disaster." Zack groaned, watching her almost twist her ankle.

"This isn't happening. We need someone else. I can't do this." Matt shook his head.

"Sure. Who the fuck are we going to get then? We have to do this today. If we don't, we lose our money we put into it, and our location." Johnny groaned.

As we stood there, our heads wandered over to look at Kia who was talking with the director. We all looked at each other. I let out a nervous laugh.

"Yeah, not sure how she's going to be with that one guys." I laughed.

"Ask her. Or I will." Matt warned.

"Fuck!" I cringed, turning to look at her.

I took a deep breath and waited until she was done talking to the director. After she was done, I pulled her over towards us. She grinned and looked at all of us confused.

"Baby, we need the biggest favor ever." I smiled at her.

"I'm not going to get you assholes coffee." She huffed, all of us chuckling.

"Nope. No coffee. We need you to be the Harlot." I smiled.

Her eyes bulged at me. I heard her gasp slightly. Then I physically cringed, waiting for her to explode at us.

"Is that what you pricks think of me? I'm what, just tits and ass?!" She hissed loudly.

"No!" Matt and I both yelled.

"I mean....." Zack trailed off, getting a glare from all of us. "No, definitely not."

"What the fuck is wrong with the girl you have?" She snapped at me.

"Um, that." I said, pointing at the girl.

Even Kia cringed as she watched this girl trying to walk in those shoes. It was physically painful for anyone to watch. Kia looked at us horrified.

"Did you find her on a freeway off ramp? What the hell?" She asked us.

"I know. Baby, we are desperate here. Please?" I begged.

"All of you assholes owe me for this." She glared.

"Hey, come over and you can take a bath with me." Jimmy smiled at her.

"You motherfucker!" I snarled at Jimmy.

"Fine. Who do I need to talk to?" She sighed.

Once everything was all sorted out, we were finally able to get to work. The only problem was, my mind wasn't in it today. I keep thinking back to a week ago when I told her I was selling my house. It's just a house. I didn't want the memories of Christie being there anymore. I needed away from that. The only way that could happen is if I moved.

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