Untitled Part 50

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I said nothing on the way back to Matt's house. Zack sat in the backseat with me. No one spoke and I was starting to feel anxious again simply because no one was speaking.

Zack took my hand and walked us out to where Brian and I had been staying. Looking around the small living quarters, I realized that I couldn't stay here. I don't care if Matt meant it or not, I don't trust him like before. Very slowly and robotically, I started gathering my things. Zack sat down at the table, while I made sure things were neat and tidy like they had been the day we came here.

"Kia, you know Matt didn't grab you to hit you, right?" He asked quietly.

"I don't know what to believe." I whispered.

"Listen, I've known the guy forever. He has never so much as said anything rude to a female." He said.

I glared at him. Zack sighed and nodded.

"You and him are different. He thinks of you as one of his really good friends. It's different. He is seriously only joking with you." Zack groaned.

"Zack, I don't know how or why you were pulled into this, but, really, you don't need to worry yourself with any of it." I said quietly.

"But, I do. Matt is beating himself up over this. He feels fucking awful. I think he was ready to cry. The dude doesn't cry." Zack said exasperated.

I highly doubted that Matt was going to cry. Upset? Sure, I know he is upset. But, I don't see a reason for him to cry if he was going to.

I sat at the table, folding the clean fabric napkins. I set them in a pile, and then arranged them neatly in a basket in the middle of the table. Once that was done, I folded blankets in the living room and put them back. After that, I started packing mine and Brian's clothes.

As I was packing, I could hear mumbled arguing outside the small house. I knew it was Brian, and I figured the other was Matt. My stomach turned with nervousness. I hate fighting. I squeezed my eyes shut and listened for the door opening.

"Hey. Thanks for taking care of her." Brian said quietly.

"Anytime. I'll be inside." Zack said, closing a door as he left.

I braced myself for Brian entering the room. That strange fear after hearing an argument has me on high alert. And panic is starting to set back in. Brian appeared in the doorway calmly.

"Hi." He said softly.

I nodded, fidgeting with my hands. Brian's eyes glanced down at my hands, then up at my eyes. He smiled a little and let out a sigh.

"Juan came to see me." He said.

"He said he was going to." I whispered.

"He told me what happened. Kia, Matt is torn up about this. Babe, he would never, ever lay a hand on you." He said quietly.

"He was so mad. Then he wasn't. I thought it was a trick." I said tearfully.

"Sweetheart, what do you mean by that?" He asked confused.

"I thought he was being nice so I would get close enough to him. Then he would hit me. Carlos did it all the time." I barely got out.

"What?" He whispered, horrified.

I nodded and began folding more clothes. I have to keep my hands busy. I just have to.

"That's what he would do. Sometimes I would hide from him. Then he would be nice and sweet. Every time I fell for it. I kept thinking he wouldn't hit me this time. But he did. Every single time. I was so stupid." I said, wiping my tears away.

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