Untitled Part 47

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Kia's breathing became erratic as she kept backing away from me. I held a hand out to her and she slapped it away. Tears are pouring from her eyes. Oh fuck. I can't believe this is happening. I really can't. As much as I hate this prick, I didn't want him dead. I just wanted him to leave her alone.

"I just wanted him to leave me alone. I didn't want him to die. I swear to god, I didn't." She sobbed out.

"Baby, I need you to sit down." I said calmly.

Her eyes raced around at all of us. She's hyperventilating, and I know she is about to pass out. I kept taking small steps towards her, while she backed away.

"Kia, it's ok. Come sit down." Matt told her quietly.

"I....I should go." Kia said confused, staggering some.

"Brian." My dad called out as a warning.

I nodded my head in understanding. I know she is going to pass out. And soon.

"No, baby. Just sit down." I assured her.

Kia stopped walking. She held out a hand to try and grab at anything to steady herself. Her eyes rolled back, just as her knees started to buckle. I dove forward and caught her before she hit the ground. I heard everyone let out a relieved sigh when I caught her. I sank to the ground, holding onto her. Her head moved a little and she let out a groan. Matt appeared next to me with a cold washcloth, pressing it to the side of her neck. Kia flinched a little, waking up with a start. She gasped, staring at me.

"Shh. You're going to be fine." I said, kissing her forehead.

"I should get up. I'm so embarrassed." She whispered to me.

"Kiddo, wanna know what's embarrassing? Jimmy running through your kids birthday party naked. He was twelve at the time. That is embarrassing." My dad grinned nearby.

Leave it to my father to try and make anyone laugh in the worst of situations. I grinned a little and looked down at her.

"Stop worrying about that. It was a lot to take in. Just take it slow." I said, helping her sit up.

"Kia, I'm sorry." Jacob told her.

"No. Please don't apologize." She said quietly, while Matt and I helped her to her feet.

"I'm sorry." She wiped her eyes. "I don't wish death upon anyone."

"No, I completely understand that. I know he wasn't a good person, but, it still doesn't make it any easier." Jacob told her.

"I....what....pictures. You want me to identify his body?" She asked in disbelief.

Oh god. Is he serious?

"Unfortunately, yes. He doesn't have any family. Fingerprints will take weeks to run through the system." Jacob explained.

"This is so fucked up." She whispered, as I helped her into a chair.

Without another word, she dug into my shirt pocket and grabbed my cigarettes. As she lit one up, I opened my mouth to object. She doesn't smoke. What the fuck? My dad, Matt and Jacob all shook their heads at me to shut up. I nodded, and lit one of my own.

"Where is he?" She asked, taking a drag.

"The morgue. I have some photos." Jacob offered.

"No. I want to see him. Like, go there and see him." She said quietly.

"Babe, I don't know if we need to do that." I said quietly.

"No, Brian. I do. This is going to let me sleep at night. This is goodbye. The monster isn't lingering around anymore." She said tearfully.

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