Untitled Part 25

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"Kia, I've been wanting to tell you this for a while, and I'm sorry I haven't. I'm...I'm married." Brian whispered.


Did he just say what I think he said?

"I'm...I'm so sorry, Kia." Brian whispered.

The blood drained out of my face. I became lightheaded and slightly dizzy. This can't be happening. This isn't real.


I can't breathe. Brian is talking, but I can't comprehend what he is saying. Why wouldn't he have told me that at the beginning of all of this? I can't be with a married man!

Slowly, I rose to my feet. I still can't focus on what Brian is saying, nor do I want to. I let my feet carry me out his front door, then down the street. I thought I heard Brian yelling for me to stop or come back. I couldn't be sure. I just needed to get away from him. I had to.

I walked almost ten blocks with tears running down my face the entire time.

Standing in the driveway of the small blue house, I went and pounded on the door. I need someone to talk to.

"Alaina!" I yelled out in a sob as I knocked.

The door flew open. Alaina is horrified by my appearance. I wiped my eyes and sniffled loudly.

"Chiquita, what the fuck happened to you?" Alaina whispered, pulling me inside her house.

"I...I got into a fight. And then Brian is fucking married. I just got done baring my soul to him and he tells me he loves me, then says he's fucking married!" I yelled out, still crying.

"Oh my god! Ok, come inside. You aren't making sense." Alaina said, hugging me hard.

Alaina made me sit and speak with her about the entire day's events. The whole time, she said nothing as I spoke. I'm so fucked up emotionally today. Telling Brian about my real parents was hard enough. Not many people know that, and it is beyond painful to speak of. Then he's fucking married? We've been seeing each other for a while. Why wouldn't he have told me when I told him about Carlos? That would of been the perfect time to tell me.

"What do you mean he is married? I'm so confused. What did he say?" Alaina pressed.

"I don't know. I left. I was so shocked I couldn't even hear what he was telling me." I wiped my eyes.

"Maybe you should go talk to him now." She said gently.

"Fuck that! He should of told me at the start!" I yelled.

"Ok, that is true." She sighed.

We sat quietly, not saying anything to each other. Alaina suddenly smiled at me. I looked at her curiously.

"How about we go drinking and dancing tonight? We haven't been to Los Bananas in forever." She smiled.

We love going there. We know everyone that is in that club, plus we dance our asses off. I haven't been in so long. This does sound better than wallowing in my own self pity all night.

"I need some of your clothes then." I said getting up.

"Here, I'll grab some for you." She said nervously, getting up.

"What's with you? I always go through your closet." I grinned heading to her room.

Opening the bedroom door, everything looked like it normally does. Not sure why she is fidgeting and nervous.

"You alright?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Um, let me grab this new dress for you in the spare bedroom." She said, going to the other room.

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