Untitled Part 44

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"Put a fucking shirt on, Sanders." I groaned, glaring at him.

I am currently in Matt's kitchen while Brian is away at an interview. Alaina is running errands with Juan, so this leaves me with shirtless Matt at his house. Matt smiled slyly at me.

"Is it getting to you? Is that it?" He smirked.

"I swear to fuck, if a hint of that was serious, I will tell Alaina." I snarled, watching the fear flash through his eyes.

"Are you fucking crazy?! I was joking! Goddamn! I'd never even look at another woman!" Matt yelled defensively.

"Good answer, numb nuts." I grinned, watching him relax.

Matt glared at me and yanked a shirt on. He took a deep breath like he was having a debate in his head. Finally, he turned to look at me rather nervously.

"I need to tell you something." He said, fidgeting with his hands.

"Dude, this better not be some shit about you cheating on my cousin." I glared.

"We just went over this. No, I definitely did not do that." He glared back at me.

"Good. Then what is it?" I asked.

"So, you remember when you and I first met?" He cringed.

"Yep." I said dully.

"Uh huh. So, about that...." He trailed off, a nervous smile slid over his lips.

"I knew you and Brian would be perfect together. I really had no interest in you." He cringed.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

Why the fuck does he feel the need to tell me this? Seriously, I have enough self esteem issues, and now he just shit all over my feelings. I mean, I am so glad we didn't work out, and I love Brian with all my heart. But, what man in their right fucking mind thinks that any woman wants to hear this? None. None, except for fucking dipshit Matt.

"I kind of asked you out, so I could push you to together. Plus, I knew how Brian felt, and I figured it would make him jealous so he would make a move, and it worked!" He rambled at me.

"First, i'm going to punch you in the throat. After that, I'm cutting your balls off." I snarled stepping forward.

Matt backed up nervously, as I kept stalking forward.

"You used me?!" I yelled.

"Not in a bad way!" Matt yelled, as he bumped into a wall.

"Are you using my cousin too, shitface!" I yelled, moving closer to him.

"No! I fucking love Alaina! I want to marry her!" He yelled, just as I was ready to grab his arm to hit him.

I stopped and stared up at him in shock. Oh my god. I never realized how in love the two of them were until just now. Alaina has never had anyone treat her so well before. Matt absolutely worships the ground she walks on.

"Are you serious?" I whispered, staring at a nervous Matt.

"Yeah. I'm scared she won't say yes." He muttered.

"Does anyone else know?" I asked.

"No. Just you. Kia, I'm begging you to not tell anyone. Brian included." He pleaded with me.

"Why are you telling me?" I glared.

"Because you wanna kill me. Figured this would at least pause that?" He smiled nervously.

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