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Eurydice Johnson decided to learn how to play hockey from her brother since she was rejected from most of the other sports teams in elementary school.

She was short and it was a pain in the ass. Her brother, Elton would dangle her water bottle and TV remote over her head ever since she was a kid.

Hockey was one of the few sports offered at her school that did not have a height requirement.

And thank the hockey gods for that.

years and years of practice. After school , on the weekends , any available time she had was spent on practicing hockey.

Not long after fourth grade started , a boy named Luis Mendoza moves into the house right next to hers and wouldn't you know it he was a hockey hopeful as well.

They played together everyday after school , eventually becoming captain and co captain of the school hockey team.

Sure playing hockey professionally was always a dream for Eurydice but she didn't expect to take place in a real competition before she was even in high school.

When her hockey coach asked if he could send in tapes of her and Luis to the Minnesota Ducks's coach to look over, she didn't think much of it.

But the next thing she knew both her and Luis were packing their bags and going to Minnesota and meeting their new teammates for the junior goodwill games.

"Look Honey, I don't know, I mean you going to Minnesota and then California all on your own?" Eurydice's mom Sandra was always more protective around her then she ever was and probably ever will be to Elton.

Sandra would always remind Eurydice how hard it was for her while pregnant with Eurydice and how she was the reason why Sandra was so afraid of getting pregnant again.

She told Eurydice every detail about how painful it was and how much it drained her emotionally and mentally. Having Eurydice was torture and she would remind her every single time someone or something new appeared.

She really didn't want to see the daughter that she worked so hard to bring into the world get hurt.

"Come on mom I won't be going completely alone I mean Luis will be there I'll be fine I promise." Eurydice desperately wanted her mother to let her take part in the competition. This could be her big break for all she knows.

Her mother sighed and thought for a while before reluctantly nodding, "Fine you can go but your brother must go with you. I'll pay for his ticket. I don't trust you and Mendoza alone together out of state."

Eurydice rolled her eyes and was ready to go on her knees and beg.

"Please mom I don't want Elton to go. He'll embarrass me in front of my new teammates."

"If you want to go you bring your brother, take it or leave it."

Eurydice sighed and nodded, going up stairs to tell Elton about the 'great' news.

It was easy to say Elton was overjoyed.

Going to LA all summer? and fronts seats to the junior goodwill games? hell ya.

Soon she was on the plane sitting between her two favourite boys in the world on her way to fulfilling her dream.

𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now