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The next few days were rough for not only Eurydice but the whole team. Everyone felt the tension between Guy, Connie and Luis, even Coach Bombay and Ms McKay.

On Thursday's practice when Bombay asked the team to pair up, Connie and Luis paired up instead of Connie and Guy.

This caused Guy to skate off and storm out, which made Coach Bombay less than thrilled.

With Luis pairing up with Connie and sitting next to her when it came to meals, Eurydice was left alone and no one next to her.

She wasn't very used to this.

Ever since the fourth grade it was always her and Luis, even if Luis did have a girlfriend at the time it would still mostly be Eurydice and Luis. They were two peas in a pod.

During lunch time on Thursday Eurydice sat alone, with Luis on the other table next to Connie, notably far away from Guy.

Eurydice didn't have much of an appetite after her best friend basically ditched her, so she spent her time playing with the baked beans on her plate, putting one in her mouth every now and then.

However at dinner she felt someone take a seat next to her.

"Penny for your thoughts Johnson?"

Eurydice looked over to see Dean sitting at the place Luis used to.

Eurydice smiled at his presence, "A dollar and you have a deal."

Dean cocked his eyebrow, amused.

Eurydice put out her palm and gestured the boy to put the money in her hand.

Dean huffed , pulling out a crumpled dollar note and handed it to Eurydice.

Eurydice placed the dollar in her pocket before answering him, "Just feeling a little lonely since Luis has been spending more time with Connie today."

Dean nodded before standing up to collect his food. He soon sat back onto the seat next to Eurydice and started eating.

Eurydice looked at him with confusion on her face, "Aren't you gonna sit next to Fulton?"

The boy furrowed his eyebrows, "Didn't you say you were lonely? Don't you want some company."

This made Eurydice bite her lip to contain the big smile that was threatening to spread onto her face.

Dean was starting to have a effect on her , an effect that she was starting to throughly enjoy.

It made her feel those flutters again. Those comforting, warm, goddamn flutters.

"You don't have to do this Portman."

Dean smiled at her with his mouth full, "Ya but I want to so deal with it."

Eurydice's face formed a look of disgust before she lightly pushed the boy's face away as she laughed, "Swallow your food first damn it."


After an hour or two more of training, the team changed into street clothes and collected their gear.

As Eurydice was tying her shoe laces, Dean came up to her , sitting down on the bench next to her.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later." He started as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking at the girl with shaky eyes.

Eurydice smiled, "As a group with Fulton or just the two of us?"

The girl hoped deep down that it was the latter.

"I was thinking with Fulton?"

Eurydice's heart sank a little but she still agreed to the outing, her desire to forget about her and Luis's strained friendship outweighed the touch of disappointment she felt.

They both got up from the bench and started to stream out of the locker room with the rest of their team.

Dean's hands were closer to Eurydice's than usual and started to interlock itself with her's. However Eurydice looked around and saw all of her teammates still around them , thus she swatted the boy's hand away.

Dean looked at her in confusion, "It's not like we've never done that before."

Eurydice threw a playful glare at him , "True but not in front of the team ,Portman."

Dean let out a amused laugh and wrapped an arm around her shoulder before noticing that Banks wasn't with the rest of the team.

"Banks let's go!" Dean exclaimed towards the showers before leaving with the rest of the team, minus Banks, with his arm still wrapped around Eurydice.


Later that night when Eurydice got back to her dorm, she bolted into the bathroom and rummaged through Connie's makeup bag.

The three girls shared almost everything since Eurydice and Connie decided to pack light, leaving Julie the main supplier for clothes, Connie makeup, and Eurydice skincare.

Eurydice found an eyelash curler and quickly did them before fluffing out her hair.

Two knocks came outside the bathroom door with a voice coming after, "Eurydice, you alright? You seemed urgent."

Julie's voice rang in Eurydice's ears.

Eurydice opened the bathroom door and gestured to her face and hair, "Do I look ok?"

Julie furrowed her eyebrows, "Of course, did you curl your lashes or something?"

Eurydice sighed, "It's stupid. Dean asked if I wanted to hang out with him and Fulton later and I agreed, I don't know why I felt so urgent to freshen up."

Julie gave her a knowing grin, "Because Dean's going to see you."


Julie huffed, "You like him don't you? Dean? That's why you cared more than you did the last time."

Eurydice sighed, "Maybe but I mean, even if I did, it's not going to go anywhere, after next week we'll all be back home and we'll be in different states for goodness sake's."

Julie rubbed Eurydice's shoulder and started to fix her hair, "Sure we'll probably go our separate ways in a week but you'll regret not even trying to make things work won't you?"

Eurydice nodded and smiled at the girl gratefully, "Why is it that the single ones always give the best relationship advice?"

"Because the one actually in a relationship is having a existential crisis."

[IMPORTANT](also like a lil self promo lmao)
(A/N what's this? Andrea posting twice a week? anyways this was more of a stress write so like lmao and also go check out my new Fulton fanfic i published today)

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