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"Ladies and gentlemen, Team U.S.A. hockey."Mr Tibbles introduced to a sea of reporters and fans.

The team walked on stage with Coach Bombay in front, standing on the podium,the rest of the team by his side.

Eurydice took a spot beside Kenny and in front of Julie.

A proud smile on her face as she helped Kenny adjust his cap.

Before Eurydice could hand Kenny back his cap, a large bear mascot ran up on stage and started high-fiving all the players.

"This is Henry, the Hendrix bear!"

After taking a few pictures with the bear, Mr Tibbles announced that they would be taking questions from the press.

"Team U.S.A., how does it feel competing on the international level here in Los Angeles?"asked a woman in a bright blue blazer.

"It feels great!"


The team was still pretty high on adrenaline after the win and were happy to answer on the coaches behalf.

Later, a woman wearing bright red stood up, "Coach Bombay, the Vikings from Iceland are the heavy favorite.Their coach has already guaranteed victory.How are you gonna handle them?"

Coach Bombay nodded as he thought about his response, the team leaning in , waiting on their coach's answer.

"Um... hard work.I think our team is ready to go up against the best in the world.We're not worried about 'em. Iceland may be tough, but, uh...We're Team U.S.A. and we're goin' all the way."

It was said with such determination that the journalists couldn't help but applaud at his response.

"Alright that's it." Mr Tibbles ushered the team and Bombay off the stage but before they could leave, a voice came from the audience.

"Team U.S.A.'s going down."

Eurydice stopped in her tracks as she stood beside Julie, both girls sharing uneasy glances.

The man turned out to be none other than the Coach of the Iceland Vikings , Coach Stanson.

"See you on the ice, Bombay!"

Kenny looked at the Iceland team and his eyes went wide.

The Iceland team looked like they were in their 20s for crying out loud. Were  they even allowed to compete?

Eurydice leaned in to Julie, "Look, some of them are even bigger than Portman."

Julie shook her head, "Just our luck I guess."

Kenny still looked at the team in disbelief, "That's his team? Those guys are huge!"

Elton and Ms McKay were waiting for them near the stage , Ms McKay walked over to Bombay while Elton went to his sister.

"You did great today, real proud of you sis." Elton wrapped his arm around his sister as Eurydice's face lit up at the praise.

"You were the one that even introduced me to the sport in the first place."

Elton nodded, "So you're telling me I am the rightful owner of your glory? Don't mind if I do."

Eurydice lightly shoved him off as they headed to the bus that was waiting for them as they headed back to their dorms, drained and tired.

𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now