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"Whoa! He's stylin'! Mr. Coach!"

Bombay walked in with a suite and slick backed hair, a far cry from the sweater and pants he wore during past practices and games.

To many of the old ducks it was reminder of Bombay when they first met him. The egotistical lawyer that was arrested for drunk driving and forced into community service.

They thought that man was long gone but there he was standing right in front of them.

"Should we ask him about last night?"whispered Eurydice to Fulton as she gestured at their coach.

The boy nodded and got Portman to go up with him to see if the coach would admit to his late night rendezvous.

Fulton stood beside Bombay's right while Dean and Eurydice stood on his left, the three teenagers put on fake smiles and started to get whatever they could out of the man.

"Good night last night, Coach?" Fulton asked , trying to sound interested.

Bombay's confident stature faltered a little before reverting back, "Yeah, it was fine."

"What'd ya do?"

Bombay shrugged ,  "I just watched some TV, got to bed early."

He lied.

That son of a bitch lied.

"But not without a little dessert, right?"

Eurydice sighed , "A little ice cream maybe?"


"Live from Los Angeles, welcome to the Junior Goodwill Games." Averman was using his hockey stick as a mic and started to 'interview' Goldberg.

"Tonight's matchup, Team U.S.A. faces off against Team Iceland."

Goldberg scoffed, "Cakewalk."

Eurydice caught Averman's eye as he gestured her over to do a interview.

"And here we have with us Eurydice Johnson , player for team USA."

Eurydice waved at the non existent camera , going along with Averman and Goldberg's act.

"I was just asking Goldberg here what is it gonna take to beat these feisty Icelanders tonight. What is your answer?"

Eurydice put a finger on her chin and hummed , "Well i of course will be playing my best so I guess we have guaranteed success."

Averman smiled , "Confidence I like it."

The referee came up to them to tell the three that the game was about to start.

Averman then made a cut gesture towards the direction of the imaginary camera before the three of them skated to their booth.


Hi, everybody. Welcome to today's game.

This is a very important matchup, Team U.S.A. against Iceland... in what could be a preview of the championship game.

Iceland, coached by Wolf "The Dentist" Stansson.

He'll be taking on Gordon Bombay.

Eurydice sat on the bench as she saw her team mates get into their positions, each of them face to face with team Iceland.

It was only about 3 seconds into the game and the referee blew his whistle taking Dean out of the game.

"Can he do that?" Eurydice asked Julie, the girl shrugging as a response.

𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now