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"I haven't seen him have you?" Eurydice asked in worry.

Their game against Germany was 5 minutes away and Coach Bombay still hasn't arrived. Not a single soul saw him that day, not at breakfast and not during pre game warm ups.

Bombay would usually check in on the team before a game but he was no where to be seen.

The team started complaining and panicking, unsure about what to do.

"Hey, team! We're gonna be great today, right?" Mr Tibbles asked enthusiastically, hoping for better results than last time.

The man's eyebrows furrowed when he noted the most important member of the team missing, "Where's Gordon?"

"You tell us." Luis sassed.

Mr Tibbles stared at the team in shock, "I don't believe this."

Eurydice gave a dry chuckle , "You can say that again."

Averman shrugged, "It's happened before but he came back in like a day."

Luis looked up at the taller boy and shook his head.

They didn't have a day, they had two minutes.

The referee of the game approached the team and pointed at his watch, "Team USA. I'm sorry.But without a coach behind the bench, you'll forfeit the game."

Eurydice's eyes widened. If they were going to drop out of the competition it was going to be because they lost actually playing a game. Not because they forfeit.

Just in time Ms McKay and Elton entered the stadium, eager for the game.

Eurydice and Charlie ran up to their tutor hurriedly.

"Hey Charlie, Eurydice, what's up?"

Eurydice pointed at the team , "You needed to pretend to be our coach."

Ms McKay looked at the girl as if she had gone mad.

"Please Ms McKay if not we have to forfeit the game." Charlie pleaded.

Elton interjected, "Where's your actual coach?"

Eurydice shrugged, "No one has seen him all day."

Ms McKay huffed and reluctantly nodded.

Eurydice walked up to the referee, "Here she is, our coach, Coach McKay."

The rest of the team seemingly caught on to Charlie and Eurydice's plan and went along with it.

"Ya, she's coach McKay."

Ms McKay went inside the booth with her arms crossed.

With a strict , harsh tone, a far cry from her usual soft gentle one, she stated , "What are you waitin' for, ice to freeze? Let's play!

The team cheered and got into position. However , it still felt like something was missing without coach Bombay there with them.

𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now