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Eurydice heard a knock at the door at around 11.30pm. She opened it to reveal Dean and Fulton.

Dean smiled at her, "Ready to leave Eurydice?"

The girl nodded and left with the two boys. They got to the first floor and were about to head out when Fulton exclaimed.

"Ah, I forgot I was supposed to help Kenny with that thing. I think it's best if the two of you go off without me."

Dean looked at him in confusion, "What thing?" He whispered.

Fulton gave him a glare and hit his shoulder, "A thing I have to attend to so that you guys can spend time alone. Thank me later Portman."

With that, Fulton briskly walked back to the elevator and gestured for Eurydice and Dean to go on without him.

Dean groaned before putting his attention back on Eurydice.

"C'mon I wanna show you a shop." Dean stated as he gently pulled Eurydice by her wrist towards what seemed like a record store.

They walked in and Eurydice's face lit up immediately.

Her eyes ran through the choices of genres she saw as her brain tried to process the amount of choices she was given.

"You like it?" Dean asked, a slight nervousness to his voice.

Eurydice nodded with a bright, wide smile that spread across her face.

The girl grabbed Dean's wrist and dragged him to the wide selection of records, "C'mon pick any one of them I'll pay."

Dean's eyes went wide, "No absolutely not, I brought you here I'm paying."

"But I want..." before Eurydice could even finish her sentence, Dean gave her a glare that made her put up her hands in defense.

"Fine, fine, if you wanna pay, pay."

A smile graced Dean's face once more.

Eurydice went through the endless options she had, from Nirvana to Radio head. She skimmed through each record, picking one up to examine every now and than.

Eventually she settled on Joan Jett and the blackhearts, while Dean got Led Zeppelin.

They walked out of the store bags in hand.

"Let me carry it for you." Dean offered.

Eurydice nodded and agreed to his offer, "Thanks Portman."

Dean's empty hand found it's way into Eurydice's and laced them together.

A deep flush appeared on Eurydice's face while Dean tried to hide his ever growing smile.

"So, how are you feeling about the Iceland game tomorrow, do you think we have a chance?" Eurydice asked.

Dean shrugged , "Of course we do, we worked so hard, better be for something."

A comfortable silence ensued with the two teenagers stealing glances every now and than.

After a while , Eurydice decided to start conversation again, "Tell me something true Dean."

The boy cocked his eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Tell me something that no one else knows."

𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now