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Not long after entering the locker room and taking a seat next to Julie , the rest of the team joined.

Every one of them had disappointment written on their faces.

They lost by 11 points. After dominating the competition the last two games they were defeated by goons and cheaters.

For the first time since Eurydice had joined the ducks, the locker room was completely silent.

No one spoke to each other , not even words of encouragement , they were just too sad to speak.

The team was mostly out of their gear and waited for Bombay to give the team a talk.

Depending on his mood , it would either be encouraging and inspiring or the complete opposite.

Lo and behold , it was the latter.

"Twelve to one. Twelve to one.You know what word comes to mind when you think of that? Hmm? Pathetic." Bombay spat as some of the team looked at him with guilty eyes, others, anger.

"You guys were brought here to play hockey."

Jesse , arguably the boldest and brashest of the group spoke up, "What about you?"

"What about me Jesse?"

It was Julie's turn to give her two cents, "Coach Stansson knew everything about us. They were ready for us." She was livid at the team lack of preparation due to Bombay's negligence.

Luis spoke up, "And you spend your time driving around in convertibles talking to those sponsor fools."

They had a week or so to prepare for the game yet Bombay blew them off for interviews, commercials and talks with sponsors.

Fulton , Dean and Eurydice had enough of Bombay's continuous lack of desire to take responsibility for his actions and they thought it was about time the team knew about last night.

"Or hanging with the Iceland lady." Fulton started.

"We saw you two Saturday night." Eurydice spat.

"Eating ice cream with the enemy, huh, coach?" Dean questioned.

This made Bombay start to stutter before he found his ground again.

And the team , baffled and angry.

"Hey. Hey, what I do is none of your business. Is that clear?"

Eurydice scoffed , "Of course it's our business , we're your team. You chose to spend your time and effort with sponsors and business men instead of us. Don't you remember ? The reason why YOU were brought here in the first place?"

"Watch your tone young lady or you are off the team."

Eurydice glared at the man, "You can't do that."

Julie came to her defence, "She's a great player , just because you are mad at us for not winning doesn't mean you get to take it out on her."

Bombay gave the two girl a slight glare before shaking his head and sighing .

The rest of the team started to take off their pads but Bombay stopped them.

"Don't take those pads off.Everyone stay in your gear. We have practice."

Goldberg's mouth hung as his eyes went wide, "Tonight?"


"I can't believe coach would do that to us, I mean it's already 2am." Connie complained before the flopped down to her bed.

"50 laps around the rink was mutiny I swear."

Julie and Connie were practically sound asleep within 5 minutes while Eurydice, although tired, couldn't sleep.

She opened the dorm door and walked down stairs to the 2nd level which was where Elton was staying.

She knocked on her brother's door hoping he would still be awake.

"Come in."

Eurydice walked in to see sheets of paper and two textbooks scattered around a desk as Elton sat in the chair , pen in hand.

"What're you doing this late?" Eurydice asked.

Elton shrugged , "Homework, Ms McKay has been tutoring me these past few days. You can't possibly think I didn't need to attend some form of school this past month right?"

Eurydice didn't even notice.

She was so preoccupied with hockey that she didn't even notice her brother was getting tutored to complete his junior year.

Elton was smart. That was obvious.

Eurydice was passing sure but there really wasn't a single A in sight on her report card but Elton on the other hand skipped sophomore year.

"How's the studying going?"

The boy sighed, "It's been difficult to adjust ,since being tutored means I have to work twice as hard as before."

Eurydice nodded in understanding before sitting on the bed that was not too far from the desk.

"So why are you here at 2? Don't you have class tomorrow?"

"Coach made us have extra practice after that game against Iceland."

Elton got up from his chair and sat next to his sister, "Sorry about that game sis, you feeling alright?"

Eurydice just gave a quick nod, "I'm fine but I just have some things on my mind."

Elton gestured for her to continue.

"I just feel so guilty that I left my team to face against Iceland all by themselves and I couldn't do anything about it. All I could do was sit there and watch by friends get thrown around like rag dolls."

Elton rubbed Eurydice's back, "Don't feel guilty about that alright? What you did was a good thing, you defended Luis and there's nothing wrong with that. It's Iceland who should feel guilty about rough housing their way to the top."

Eurydice smiled and nodded in content.

Sure her brother could be immature and annoying at times but he was still wise beyond his years.

Eurydice honestly wouldn't know what to do without Elton by her side supporting her and reassuring her every step of the way.

𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now