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It was now the morning of the big game against Iceland for the gold.

A lot had happened in a few days.

Banks had a wrist injury when Sanderson had hit him during their first game against Iceland and was now in a cast.

That left one roster spot open, a spot that was filled by Russ.

Charlie had recommended him to Bombay and Russ had made the team, saving team USA from elimination.

Eurydice got barely any sleep that night partially because of the events that happened with her and Dean but mostly it was due to nerves.

As she walked down to the dining area to have breakfast with Julie next to her, she noticed that a seat next to Dean was empty.

Eurydice decided to take the seat which conveniently had a empty seat right across it for Julie.

Dean felt someone sit next to him, he was about to tell them to screw off like he did for both Kenny and Dwayne who had tried to sit in that seat not to long ago, however, when he noticed who it was, his face softened and his body relaxed.

"Just the person I was hoping for." Dean whispered in Eurydice's ear.

The girl blushed lightly and smiled, "You were saving this seat for me?"

Dean nodded, "A guy would like to have breakfast with his girlfriend, is that too much to ask?"

It was still unnatural for Eurydice to hear Dean say that she was his girlfriend. Granted, they only became official last night.

"So does anyone know about us?" Eurydice asked.

Dean shrugged and pointed at Fulton who was sitting on his other side. "Fulton knows because he takes credit for me confessing."

Fulton's head perked up at the mention of his name, "As I should be! If I hadn't left you guys to yourselves last night none of this would have happened."

"What wouldn't have happened?" Asked Julie, who had just sat down after collecting breakfast for both her and Eurydice.

Eurydice sighed and leaned forward, "Dean and I are dating."

Although it was said in a hushed tone, Julie's reaction was the complete opposite, her eyes widened, she let out a gasp and almost started to cheer if it wasn't for Eurydice and Dean telling her to shut up.

"Don't be so loud, not everyone knows yet. Only you and Fulton, we'll find a good time to tell the rest of the team." Explained Eurydice.

Dean's eyes weren't focused on the group but was looking over at Luis and Connie, "I'd honestly doubt Mendoza would care that much."

Eurydice looked behind Julie and saw Connie and Luis sucking each other's faces as Goldberg sat in his seat, clearly uncomfortable.

"I'm not scared about how Luis will react." Eurydice insisted weakly.

Dean scoffed, "Oh please, the two of you were connected by the hip when we first arrived and ever since he's been busy with Connie you've been a little mopey."

Eurydice sighed, disappointed that a relationship was what came between their friendship and caused them to drift.

As much as Eurydice wanted to talk to him, she couldn't bring herself to.

There was a part of her that was still rather disgusted that the boy she had known most of her life had been the reason Connie and Guy broke up.

Eurydice could no longer see Luis as just playfully flirtatious or a boy who couldn't really take a hint anymore, he knew who he was hurting and he knew the impact on the team it would make.

𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now