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There was only a week left before their big game against Iceland for the gold.

That week was by far the most focused Eurydice had ever seen Coach Bombay, he was now finally fully back into training the team.

Every morning the team would wake up at seven to train and make up strategies all in preparation to against Iceland, they were determined not to loose again.

Eurydice and Luis were asked to stay behind during Monday's practice by Coach Bombay.

"Luis, Jan is waiting for you in the rink, meet him there, you'll be working on your stopping problem" Bombay explained before pulling Eurydice aside.

The girl looked at him in confusion, "Why do you wanna see me coach?"

Bombay sighed and hung his head low, "Look kid I shouldn't have threatened to kick you off the team. You were right I was brought here to do a job and I wasn't doing it very well. You're a good player Eurydice."

Eurydice's face lit up with pride, "Thanks coach it means a lot."

She walked away and out of the stadium with a bright smile on her face at the coach's complement.

As she was walking out , she saw a familiar figure leaning on a pillar outside the stadium.

"Took you long enough." Dean snickered before taking his back off the pillar and walked alongside Eurydice.

Eurydice furrowed her eyebrows, "You were waiting for me?"

The boy put his hands in his pockets and shrugged , "Well...why not? You have a problem with that?"

Eurydice shook her head and let out a small laugh. "I just never really pictured you waiting for me I guess."

Dean let out a dramatic gasp, "Hey, I'm a person who waits for others." He defended.

Eurydice laughed , "That can be up for debate."

Dean shook his head and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "Wow you really think that lowly of me Johnson?"

The girl shrugged, "You never really gave me much of a reason to think higher of you, have you?"

Dean nodded so smiled down at her , "Guess I'll have to show you."

Eurydice's face suddenly felt warm as she tried to hide the flush that was starting to grace her cheeks.

"Shut up Portman."


We're gonna be a lean, mean, fighting machine.

That Wednesday , half the team was asked to train at the gym while the other half at the park by Bombay.

The team gathered in the large gym and started doing their own work outs , giving each other encouragements from time to time.

Luis stoped off his treadmill and picked up his water bottle , "Guy and I are gonna go get a drink you want anything?" He asked Eurydice.

Eurydice gently shook her head before bringing her attention to the blond girl in front of her,"Feels good to finally train like real athletes don't you think Jules?"

"Sure it feels nice but athletes actually get to play during games all i do is warm up benches." Julie groaned.

Till this day Coach Bombay still hadn't given Julie the chance he had promised and it was starting to rub Julie the wrong way.

𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now