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The game ended and the team was still high on adrenaline.

They had won gold for a international championship, a feat that Eurydice still could not wrap her head around.

The team went back to Minnesota and had another week before Eurydice and the rest of the new recruits had to fly back home.

It had been an experience to play with the ducks. She had really started to bond with them and became rather close with them as well.

In fact, Bombay had commissioned ducks jerseys for the new members, making them official ducks.

As elated as Eurydice was over the win, there was a part of her that still felt down and unsatisfied.

Her and Luis still had not made up and it bothered her to no end.

Julie told her to forget about it and just make some new friends back in Miami but Eurydice couldn't bring herself to just forget about Luis.

She at least had to know why he was mad at her.

The team was having breakfast at the ice palace with Jan and Julie in the kitchen cooking up a storm.

"What do you wanna do today?" Eurydice asked Dean, wanting to spend the rest of their time together meaningfully.

Dean thought about it for awhile before answering, "Movies?"

Eurydice agreed and they started to discuss the details as Dean and Fulton had planned to do something that day as well.

Soft giggles would come out of Eurydice's mouth every time Dean cracked a joke.

Dean relished in those few moments, it felt he had accomplished the impossible and that he would do anything just to hear Eurydice giggle again.

It was a new but pleasant feeling and he wished it would stay that way forever.

But that was just wishful thinking.

Elton ran into the dining room, clearly anxious, "Eurydice, it's mom she just called and she's asking for you."

The girl jumped out of her seat and followed Elton towards the phone in the Ice palace.

"She sounds pissed so be prepared." Elton warned before handing the phone over to Eurydice.

"Hey mom." Eurydice squeaked.

"Eurydice, I watched the game last night and I just have to ask, who was the boy?"

Eurydice's eyes widened.

"He's just a friend mom I swear."

She could hear her mom sigh, "You know I don't like to be lied to."

"So what if he's my boyfriend, I'm old enough to have one and he treats me well."

Her mother scoffed, "Treats you well? How long have you known him? He looks like a hooligan! But I expected nothing less from you."

Eurydice furrowed her eyebrows, "What do you mean? I can handle myself mom just trust me."

"No, absolutely not, I worked too hard and made too many sacrifices for my daughter to be kissing boys who look like that on live television."

𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now