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"We're gonna crush Italy tonight!" Connie was busy braiding her hair while Julie was helping Eurydice tie her's.

Eurydice had a bright, confident smile on her face, excited about the team's second game.


"It's been all Team U.S.A. tonight.They lead Italy six to nothing. They've really dominated this game."

Eurydice was at the bench next to Luis as they cheered on their team.

"Wow we're really serving it to Italy huh." Eurydice continued to cheer on Connie who had just gave Team USA a score.

Luis nudged Eurydice and pointed at someone in their booth.

The girl turned her head to see Dean smiling at her, his head immediately turning back to the game when she met his gaze.

Eurydice didn't know if it was out of instinct or if she was really happy about it but she had a small smile creep onto her face.

"Holy shit your ears are bright red." Luis flicked his index finger on her ear in disbelief.

She rolled her eyes and gave Luis's head a light slap on the back making him shut up but still having a smirk on his face.

"Who was it that just a week ago said that Dean got on your nerves? Why are you now all blushy and in a good mood."

"What makes you think I'm in a good mood?"

"You didn't hit me as hard."

Eurydice took off her glove, "Do you want it to be harder Mendoza?"

Luis gently took her wrist and stuffed it back in her glove while mumbling a string of soft 'sorry's and 'okok's.

The both of them had their attention back on the game when a a loud whistle was heard.

"Break it up! Break it up!"

Goldberg was laughing in the face of one of the player from team Italy , nearly being attacked.

He really needed to learn when to keep quiet.

"Okay, people. Come on, let's do this." Bombay instructed with limited amount of time of the clock and USA having a impressive lead.

Fulton skated forward and gave his infamous slap shot , making it 11-0 , with USA once again on top.


"That shop looks cool." Connie lead the two girls into a small boutique filled with necklaces , bracelets and earrings.

The three of them entered, separating slightly to browse their own stuff.

Julie held up a pair of earrings shaped like dandelions , "Do these suite me?"

Eurydice and Connie both agreed before continuing looking through the store.

Connie walked closer to Eurydice, "You say you and Luis are close right?"

"Ya we've been friends since the fourth grade."

Connie started to play with the ends of her hair, " What does he like in a girl?"

Eurydice furrowed her eyebrows confused at the question, "Aren't you with Guy?"

Connie sighed , "Yes but ever since Luis arrived i feel just so disconnected with Guy and Luis is new and fresh, i just think that maybe Guy and i aren't meant for the long run."

Eurydice nodded, "So you want to experience someone new with Luis?"

Connie nodded.

"Look Con, if he doesn't like you the way you are than it just means he's not worth it alright? Don't fit into what he likes just see if he likes you."

A smile started to grace Connie's face as Julie walked over after she had already paid for her own jewellery.

"Are you guys going to pay for anything? Because I saw a really cool bookstore that I wanna check out."


"Julie, you're insane, how are you going to fit all those books in your luggage?"

Julie shrugged, "I'll figure it out when the time comes."

Eurydice giggled at her friend's awful but rather adorable mentally as the two girls walked up the cashier.

"Oh I recognise you girls, you're part of team USA."

The three of them nodded proudly.

The guy who's name on his name tag was Conner finished bagging up Eurydice's books and started on Julie's pile.

"You're Gaffney right? Julie Gaffney? You don't play much right?" Inquired the boy.

Julie just gave a stiff nod.

"Is it alright if I ask you out some time?"

Julie's eyes went wide , "oh um sorry , I'm flattered but no I'd rather not."

As he finished bagging her books he started again, "Hey I promise I don't bite , just have an afternoon with me will you?"

Julie's feet shuffled uncomfortably, "No really I don't want to."

Before Conner could start again, Eurydice snatched the bag of Julie's book out of his hand and pull Julie behind her.

"She said no , so why don't you lay off."

Conner scoffed , "Look girly I just wanted your friend here to know that she was hot, I was complementing her."

Eurydice stepped forward, smoking pouring out her ears, "You weren't complementing her , she was so clearly uncomfortable and don't call me girly."

The closer Eurydice stepped towards Conner the more Julie and Connie stepped closer to her.

Connie grabbed Eurydice's wrist and started to pull her away from Conner and in the direction of the exit.

The girls stormed out with Connie flipping him off as she was the last to leave the store.

"Thanks Eurydice. He was really getting a little close for my comfort."

Eurydice had an arm around Julie's shoulder and gave her friend a comforting rub.

"Hey it's fine, the guy was too desperate for my liking anyways."

The three girls walked back the the dorms with bright smiles on their faces and hundreds of bags in hand.

𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now