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The trip from Minnesota to California wasn't terribly long but it was still almost 4 hours , so the person you sit next to is the key to keeping your sanity intact.

Unfortunately their sitting arrangements were not up to them but up to who got their tickets bought first.

As coach Bombay handed out tickets the team frantically asked around to fine out who they had to deal with for three and a half hours.

"Please Averman just let me sit next to Jesse I can't deal with Charlie for four hours."

"Hey i heard that."

Guy came up to Eurydice, " Hey Eurydice are you willing to switch with me so I can sit next to Connie?"

"But I actually want to sit with her."

"Please Eurydice she's my girlfriend I promise whoever you need to sit with for four hours isn't that bad."

Eurydice sighed and reluctantly agreed, Guy's face breaking into a blinding smile as he exchanged tickets with her , "Hey um Guy who am I sitting next to anyways?"

Guy just smiled and briskly walked away hurriedly.

Luis came up behind her, "Who are you sitting next to? I got Kenny."

Eurydice shrugged , "Don't know Guy wanted to switch but didn't tell me who I got."

She showed him the ticket only to see him start to chuckle.

"What're you laughing about?"

"You'll find out hermonsa."


"Oh for fucks sake."

Eurydice should have known when Guy didn't want to tell her.

"Oh come on." Groaned Dean.

"Hey I'm not piss happy about this either Portman." Eurydice lifted her luggage only for her to realise like always, she was too short.

Dean sat up from his seat and snatched the luggage from her hand and put it in the compartment.

"Your welcome."

"I didn't need your help."

Dean scoffed as he sat back in his sit , blasting his Walkman , turning his head to face the window, away from Eurydice.

Eurydice sat down on her seat near the aisle and played her own Walkman, happy to spend the flight undisturbed.

For most of the trip they sat in silence not making a single sound meanwhile the rest of the team were having the time of their lives being public nuisances.

However, those five seconds Dean decided to adjust his Walkman would end up being the most important five seconds of their lives.

Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty.

The first few lines of the song played through Eurydice's headphones.

Dean decided to be bold and put his headphones around his neck , and nudged the girl lightly.

"What do you want Portman?"

"You listen to Guns and Roses?"

Eurydice's face broke out into a smile at the mention of her favourite band.

"Ya I love them. You?"

Dean nodded and gestured at the label on his cassette.

Guns and Roses mix


Eurydice nodded in approval before the two of them started to talk more about each other's similar taste in music.

"Okok what about Led Zeppelin ?"

"Of course! How about Nirvana?"

They rambled on and on about bands and songs they listened to, at that moment forgetting all about their slight annoyance with each other, bonding over music.

Laughs were shared and they even exchanged tapes to check out each other's mixes.

It was as if they have always gotten along.

As the flight landed , Eurydice tried to grab her luggage from the compartments but like before was on her tippy toes but still unable to reach it.

"Here you go Johnson."

Dean grabbed the bag and handed it to her , this time Eurydice gave Dean a half grateful smile.

"You aren't as bad as I thought you were Portman."

"You too short stack."


"You and Portman getting a long i see." Connie and Julie walked beside Eurydice through the airport to the taxi stand.

Eurydice shrugged keeping a poker face, although deep down she was happy that her and Dean found something they had in common.

"He wasn't as bad as I thought he was I guess, but I don't think we're friends though."

Connie rolled her eyes, "oh please the both of you were laughing with each other throughout the last two hours of the flight."

Julie smiled, "Whatever you say, at least the two of you might no longer be at each other's throats."

Eurydice scoffed , "I said he wasn't as bad that doesn't mean I still don't find him annoying and a terrible team player."

Connie and Julie gave Eurydice knowing smiles and shook their heads before catching up with some of the team in front.

Elton , who was standing in front next to Charlie slowed down and walked backwards towards his sister making her giggle.

"I heard from a birdie that you really hit it off with your sitting partner."

Eurydice smiled as her head hung, "How do you get wind of news so fast El ? You really are the biggest gossip queen I know."

(A/N ok this is a filler but i promise more exciting chapters soon!!)

𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now