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The girls got back to the dorms by 4pm and were petty worn out.

"Jeez my feet a really killing me." Connie took off her flats the moment she sat down on her bed and threw them into some corner of the room.

The three of them dropped their bags on the floor and slept almost immediately when they hit their pillows.

They napped for quite a few hours, Eurydice being the first of the three to wake up at 9pm.

She got up from her bed and exited the rather cramped room and walked down the stairs to the lobby, ready to go on a night stroll for some fresh air.

After all, tomorrow was the big game against Iceland and to say Eurydice was anxious was an understatement.

But her desire for peace and quiet was thrown out the window when she met two particular teammates outside the dorms.

"What're you doing out here so late Portman?"

Dean and Fulton were ready to walk down the street and explore the LA night life a little more.

"Wow didn't know we were back to a last name basis , anyways you're not any better , you're out here with us."

Curfew was 7 and here the three of them were in the middle of the streets at 9.

"Asked you first Dean."

The boy sighed, "We're going to go get ice cream,"

Dean wanted to end his sentence right there but Fulton nudged him in the stomach and gestured to the girl.

Dean rolled his eyes, "Do you want to join us?"

Fulton smiled in content.

"Sorry don't feel like it."

Dean raised his eyebrows and faced Fulton giving him the 'told you so' look.

Fulton then spoke, "C'mon it'll be fun, besides I'll pay for yours."

As much as Eurydice wanted some time with her thoughts, she wanted free ice cream even more.

"Sure, why not."

The three teenagers walked down the busy street even passing by a band who were singing along the street to a group of spectators.

Soon, two girls walked in front of the trio , Fulton immediately perking up at the sight of them.

Dean and Eurydice pushed him nearer to the two girls as they started to encourage him and hype him up.

"C'mon Fulton, talk to them."

"You'll be fine just do it."

Fulton put on a bright smile , "Uh, hey, ladies. Nice night for a stroll, wouldn't you say?"

The two girls walked away giggling and giving Fulton small waves.

Dean gave him a high five while Eurydice gave the boy a pat on the back. "See Fulton, that was pretty good."

"Ya that was a good one."

Just in time they arrived at the ice cream pallor Dean held both Fulton and Eurydice back and pushed the three of them behind a tree.

He pointed at a  very familiar pair walking out of the ice cream pallor , looking as close as a couple.

"Wait a minute. I thought Iceland was covered with ice." Coach Bombay had canceled training that day unexpectedly. Turns out it was for the Iceland lady he was eating ice cream with.

The blond woman giggled , "Iceland? No, it's very green."

As the two walked further away from the teens , the three of them emerged from behind the tree, looks of disappointment and anger on their faces.

Fulton had sadness written all over his face as he saw the man he looked up to for years going on a date with someone from the apposing team.

Dean and Eurydice were more angry and upset rather then disappointed. They were new to Bombay therefore, didn't have the long history Fulton had with him.

They didn't see any reason to give him the benefit of the doubt, he canceled on them to spend time with the enemy.

Dean was the first to break the silence, "Look at this. She's an Iceland chick."

Eurydice glared daggers at her coach's back, "What is he doing with her instead of spending time with us?"

"Some coach we got."

Dean put a hand on Eurydice's back and walked her inside the ice cream pallor, "C'mon , let's just ask him tomorrow , tonight we enjoy ice cream and you get your free one."

Eurydice's face broke into a small smile as she walked forward, standing in line with Dean behind her.

Fulton finally entered the pallor after processing what he saw with Bombay.

"So you still treating me Fulton?"

The boy reached into his pocket and looked through his wallet, "Shit, I only have enough money for one , why not you pay for her Dean?"

Dean gave his friend a glare before taking out his wallet, "Fine."

Eurydice looked through the glass and evaluated her options.

The chocolate looked good, the strawberry looked delicious but the cotton candy flavour looked gorgeous.

"Hurry up will you?" Dean grumbled despite them not being near the cashier.

"Shut up for once and let me choose in silence will you? This is a very important decision."

After a few more seconds, a worker walked up the three of them.

"What can I get you?"

Eurydice happily pointed at the cotton candy flavoured ice cream while Dean ordered mint chocolate chip and Fulton went for chocolate.

"Oh my god Dean, we can't be friends anymore." Eurydice laughed.

The boy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Are you seriously going to pick mint chocolate chip and expect me to accept that?"

Dean rolled his eyes, "Says the girl who bought cotton candy, that shit tastes disgusting."

"So? It looks pretty. Yours looks and tastes like rotten toothpaste."

Fulton walks into the middle of the two of them at they walk out of the shop.

"Ok as much as I find whatever that was endearing, people were starting to stare."

That statement got Fulton punches on both of his arms by both Eurydice and Dean.

"Okok I'm sorry geez you guys hit hard."

(A/N lmao this is a semi filler again.)

𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now