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"You have to earn every inch" seethed Russ's older brother who's name was James.

In about five seconds into the game Dean was thrown into the gate and was getting shoved and pushed around , a sharp contrast to him usually being the bully in the rink.

It gave Eurydice a awful amount of pleasure to see Dean get his comeuppance especially after how he treated the team during training.

Tag Team, back again
Check it to wreck it, let's begin

"Come on! Get him!"

James scored his second goal of the game and skated closer to the ducks, "Hey, ain't no whistles out here either.You keep diggin' until you score that goal!"

Wave your hands in the air, shake the derriere
These three words mean you're gettin' busy

Eurydice was pushed into the game and managed to steal the puck from on of the boys on Russ's team but it was quickly stolen back by Russ before he shot it into the goal making his team be in the lead.

"He scores! All right, Russ!"

Eurydice groaned and was ready to throw her stick on the ground.

She huffed as she got her head back in the game and got more focused and strict.

Whoomp, there it is!
Whoomp, there it is!
Whoomp, there it is!
Whoomp, there it is!
Whoomp, there it is!
Whoomp, there it is!
Whoomp, there it is!
Whoomp, there it is!

Russ went up to the members of team USA who were on the bench and looked at Charlie

"You take a few breaths, slug some water and get out there and do it again!" Russ exclaimed to their captain.

Charlie took a quick gulp of water before getting into the game and attempted to get their team back on track.

"Don't just stand there. Come and get it." Yelled on of the players on Russ's team.

Luis was skating behind the player with the puck and tried to get around the bigger , older boy for the puck but it was practically impossible.

Eurydice noticed her friend's struggle and went full speed ahead chucking the boy with the puck into the gates making the puck fall right in front of Luis.

Luis chuckled, "Don't mind if I do."

But the girl's efforts seemed to be in vain as Luis missed the goal and still couldn't stop.

"Whoa! Not again!"

He smashed face first into the gates like always.

The boy who Eurydice pushed into the wall helped Luis up and patted his helmet, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Use the brakes, baby."

Fulton managed to get the puck and shoot his shot but with his infamous 1 in 5 ratio the puck went over the gates and smashed the window of a car that was parked right outside the rink.

Charlie went up to see the damage and looked over at James with uneasy eyes , afraid that they might have put the group in a pickle.

𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now