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The next day the whole team had to wake up at 6 to go class, needless to say, they weren't very enthusiastic.

Usually the team would be wide awake answering questions asked by ms McKay but due to the late night practice ,majority of the team was asleep, falling asleep or trying hard to stay awake.

Eurydice sat beside Julie and in front of Dean in class.

Julie was the only one who had to eyes open although they were bloodshot.

Eurydice had her arms crossed and her head slowly drifted down before she shot back up only for the cycle to continue .

She was about to go to sleep until her heard a soft snoring noise behind her.

She picked up her eraser and threw it at the boy behind her, "Shut it dingus I'm trying to sleep here."

Dean made a face at her and threw the eraser back before putting his head back onto his table.

Eurydice turned back to see Ms McKay waking Luis up from a dream he was having.

Ms McKay let out a annoyed huff, "Will someone please tell me what's going on? You guys don't usually sleep in class." she said softly.

Jesse answered, "Coach Bombay became Captain Blood yesterday. We were practicing till 2am last night."

The few who were paying attention and not sound asleep agreed.

Ms McKay shook her head unable to comprehend why Bombay was pushing the team so hard.

"Alright no more class for the rest of the day and I'm cancelling today's practice. You kids need rest."

A part of Eurydice cheered as she barely got a wink of sleep last night but yet she was worried.

They had performed poorly for the match against Iceland and team moral wasn't very high. With practice canceled the team wouldn't have the confidence or conditioning to go against Germany.

But with Ms McKay dead set on making the team go rest and cancelling practice Eurydice walked out of class with Julie and Connie, the three of them relieved to have some more time to sleep.

After a few more hours of sleep the team was called down by Charlie to work out and train despite Ms McKay's insistence on a free day.

Dean was lead the rest of the team on a exercise when Goldberg spoke up, "Coach isn't here. Why do we have to be?"

"We have a game tonight. We have to work out."

Goldberg stood up straight , panting, "I say mutiny. Who's with me?"

Dwayne chuckled, "Goldberg, I'm too tired to mutiny."

Julie was already sick of Bombay's attitude and she didn't need her team not practicing too, "Come on, guys, it's not like we couldn't use the conditioning."

Dean smiled at Julie's direction, "Speak for yourself babe."

Eurydice groaned, "How many times do I have to tell you Portman? Don't call any of us babe."

She was already at her wits end with how things were going for the team so she didn't need Portman being an asshole to make things worse.

"Don't tell me how to talk girlie." Dean bombed before shoving Eurydice.

Eurydice shoved him back , making him stumble but not too hard that he fell.

The rest of the team came between them attempting to defuse the situation.

This was by far the most worked up they have ever seen Dean and the most annoyed Eurydice has ever been.

Fulton pushed Dean away from Eurydice, "Portman chill!"

Dean was so worked up that he even threatened , his best friend on the team. "Hey, you want a piece of this?"

The shouting and shoving stopped when the voice of a boy was heard, "Yo, Team USA, what are you gonna do today, a million jumping jacks?"

The team looked towards the direction of the voice to see a boy around their age with a hockey stick and roller skates.

Dean scoffed, "This kid's crazier than me. Forget about him. Look, Fulton!"

Before anything could start again , Jesse squeezed his way in front to face the boy in roller skates, "Hey, man, I'm gettin' sick of you!"

"I'm gettin' sick of seeing the U.S.A. represented by a bunch of whining babies."

Eurydice spat, "Too bad you can't back up that mouth."

The boy let out a sarcastic laugh, "Me and my boys can take you anytime, anywhere."

"I don't see no boys."

The mystery boy answered back, " I got 'em waitin'.Grab your gear and let's go play some schoolyard puck.Or maybe you forgot what it's like to play for real pride."

Before the boy could be escorted out by guards , the team agreed to the boy's offer and went with him to a small area in a run down neighbourhood.

The neighbourhood that the boy , who's name they soon learnt was Russ , stayed at reminded Eurydice of her and Luis's neighbourhood back in Miami.

They didn't live a gorgeous city or near a beautiful beach like depicted in TV and film. They lived in the small , poor side of the neighbourhood where families barley made a living and just got by.

Elton's plane ticket practically cost her mother her entire life savings.

Although the place wasn't pretty it reminded her of home.

As if Luis was thinking the exact same thing as her , he walked next to her and mumbled, "Looks pretty familiar huh."

The group of boys that Russ introduced the team to look a year or two older then the rest of the team and wore worn down hockey gear and a plastic puck.

Russ stood beside a older looking boy who seemed like the leader of the group, "My little brother Russ here's been telling me that you have been chokin' big time.

Jesse ever the hot head didn't hesitate to call Russ out, "Your brother's got a big mouth."

Averman's eyebrows shot up and Eurydice let out a whistle, "Uh-oh."

A wave of uncomfortable silence washed over the two teams before Russ's brother smiled and looked down at Russ, "He does, doesn't he?"

Russ's older brother started up the hockey talk again, getting back to the point, "We thought we'd call you all to see what you got."

"We know you can talk to the press and sign autographs."

"We can do more than that." Luis sassed.

Eurydice nudged him and gestured for Luis to keep his mouth shut.

Russ smiled, "We can teach you to play like the real Team USA."

"What would you know about it?" Dean questioned.

(A/N a bit of a filler sry. But like thanks a lot for 2k!!!)

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