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It took a few days for Eurydice to find the courage to confront Luis.

Julie had already figured it out somehow and Eurydice explained the situation to Dean not long after.

She had to say something to Luis but she wasn't sure what.

At least, until now.

It was a Friday and it was the last day they were going to be in Minnesota before her and Luis went back to Miami.

That morning, Eurydice gathered all the courage she could master and walked up to Luis during breakfast.

"Can I talk to you." She asked, her fingers picking at each other.

Luis nodded slowly as the two went to a different room, a little further away from the main living area.

"Look, Luis I appreciate you telling me but you know I don't feel that same way."

Luis sighed, "I know, it's just...seeing you and Portman together was hard for me."

Eurydice's lips went into a thin smile, "Are we still able to be friends though?"

Luis looked up, his eyes locking with Eurydice's, "I'm sorry but no. I can't see you any other way anymore."

It was heartbreaking for Eurydice to hear that.

Her chest felt tight and sore, she clutched her hands tightly into a fist as she chocked back her tears.

"It's alright I understand."

As they exited the room and entered the living room, Eurydice took a seat next to Dean and curled herself into the boy.

"Everything's going to be okay right?" Eurydice, doubtful of the statement.

Dean lied his head onto the top of Eurydice's, "Mhm, eventually it'll pass."


Eventually, night fell and the sun had set, indicating the team's last day in Minnesota was coming to an end.

Eurydice sat between Julie and Portman around the camp fire.

The team huddled around it, sticking marshmallows onto sticks and roasting them over the big flame.

Goldberg was the first to set his on fire, "You're supposed to roast it Goldberg not set it on fire!"

Averman laughed as his friend tried hastily to put the fire out, jumping and yelling around for Bombay to help him.

This was something Eurydice was going to miss, just the boys messing around, being loud and obnoxious but still the kindest lot she has ever met.

Dean's arm wrapped around Eurydice's shoulder as he pulled her closer to his chest.

"Promise you're gonna call every night babe?" Eurydice sighed.

Dean smiled, "I'll call you so much you'll start to get sick of my voice."

"I'll like to see you try."

Julie scowled, "The two of you are adorable, oh the things I'd do to not be single."

Fulton agreed, "You can say that again."

Eurydice put her hands on Julie's shoulders, "You'll find a beautiful girl that will worship you, I promise."

"What about me?" Fulton asked hopefully.

"Woah, let's not get our hopes up here."

Fulton rolled her eyes and threw a marshmallow at Eurydice, missing her, instead hitting Dean's face making the two girls howl in laughter.

I've paid my dues
Time after time
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand
Kicked in my face
But I've come through

And we mean to go on and on and on and on

The team stood up at held on to each other's shoulders as they screamed every word of we are the champions at the top of their lungs.

Eurydice has never been more proud.


"Flight 180 to Miami Florida is boarding."

Luis said his goodbyes to the team and even shook hand with Guy. The two boys reconciling and calling a truce.

Eurydice was given suffocating hug by Julie, "I can't bare to see my best friend go."

Eurydice held onto Julie's hands, "We'll call and stay in touch I promise."

She moved onto Fulton who gave her hug as well, "Take care of yourself Eurydice, you are after all my bash sister."

Eurydice laughed at the nick name, "I'll take care of myself."

She moved on to the goodbye she dreaded the most.

"You alright hon?" Eurydice asked.

Dean's eyes were slightly red as he held onto his girlfriend as right as possible, afraid that she was going to slip away if he did let go.

"I'll never forget you Portman, don't worry."

Dean gave Eurydice a deep kiss, one that made her stomach flip and her legs jelly.

"I'll never forget you too Johnson. I'll miss you."

Eurydice reluctantly pulled away and followed Elton and Luis to the gate.

After getting their tickets inspected, the three boarded the plane.

It was easier for Eurydice not to look back and see the sad smiles of her friends and boyfriend.

She sat down in her seat, again, between Elton and Luis, right where she was a month ago.

So much has changed in a little over a month, both good and bad.

However, Eurydice came out better, she was happier, she now has a bigger group of friends who supported her and encouraged her.

She some how went to California single and was about to go back to Miami with a serious boyfriend. One that cared for her and one that she cared a lot for too.

But yet somethings were going to go back broken, fixable but broken.

Even if Eurydice was given the chance, she wouldn't change a second of her experience in California.

In her mind, no matter what will happen in a few days, or a week , or a month or hell even a year, as of now her time with the Ducks was perfect.

(A/N and that's a wrap!!! Thank you for all the support you guys have shown this book, never i a million years would I think a TMD fanfic would help boost my writing this much lmao. I do have a Fulton Reed book called Slapshot that has a few chapters up already so feel free to check that out. And also after I am done with act one of slapshot i might be publishing another story so stay tuned!!☺️☺️💓💓)

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