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Eurydice and Luis got to stay in a pretty sweet hotel that was provided by a company named Hendrix.

Elton got a smaller room a few floor down which Eurydice was very thankful for.

"How do you think these ducks are gonna be like?" Luis laid down on his bed, tired from jet lag.

"I did some research and they're about the same age as us so they shouldn't be that difficult to work with. Besides it's not like we're the only newbies."

Eurydice's optimistic outlook was maintained even until the next morning when they went down to the rink ready to meet not only the new players but also the Minnesota ducks.

"Do you think Elton would be fine all by himself for most of the day?" Eurydice terrified of what her teenage brother could potentially do.

Luis shrugged and put his hand on her shoulder, "He's 15 he knows how to handle himself, all you need to worry about now is hockey."

Suddenly, nerves start to take over her and a sense of anxiousness and anticipation flooded her.

She was going to meet the team she would be playing with for at least the next year.

"Hey that should be them."

Not far from Eurydice and Luis were a group of kids, three looking around their age while one looked like a high school senior.

They hurriedly joined the group of them in the rink, catching their attention. "You guys must also be apart of the new ducks."

The girl with golden blond hair and a smile that could light up a dark ally skated forward, her hand out for Eurydice to shake. "I'm Julie Gaffney from Bangor Maine."

Eurydice happily shook it , ecstatic to see a girl on the team.

Back at home the only girl on the team was just her and since she was the only female, none of her teammates listened to her despite her having the role of captain.

It was good to know she wasn't alone anymore.

"Eurydice Johnson and this is Luis Mendoza , we're both from Miami Florida."

Each of them exchanged their pleasantries and learned where each of them were from and what position they were playing.

However one of them made an ever lasting impression on her.

"Dean Portman, I'm from Chicago Illinois."

It was clear almost on sight that Dean was a goon. But Eurydice had a hard time forming words and forcing them out of her mouth.

So she did the sensible thing.

She skated far away, dragging Luis away with her.

They went into a corner before Eurydice mentally face palmed herself what she just did. Just skate away seriously? She didn't even smile or say hi. It was as if all those actions and emotions she once knew was thrown out the window.

"What the hell hermana?"

Eurydice took a breath, "I freaked and I skated. I freak and I skated Luis. Why the hell did i just skate away? Now he'll think badly of me or something, god what the hell was wrong with me?"

Luis just stared at her blankly desperately trying to get from point a to b.


𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now