Chapter 5

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Akaashi's POV 

I woke up a few hours later, the taste of stomach acid lingering in my throat. I carefully detangled myself from Bokuto, and went to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, sitting down next to the toilet. I gripped the toilet seat as I started to throw up. I laid my arm across the toilet seat, resting my forehead on it. 

"Keiji?" A knock sounded at the door. 

"Not now," I coughed, causing me to gag. I turned my head as the door opened, revealing Bokuto who only had boxers on. I turned my head back, closing my eyes. 

"You okay?" he kneeled down and rubbed my back. 

"Mm mm," I shook my head. He pulled off my glasses, setting them somewhere. 

"You want some water? Or do you wanna brush your teeth?" 

"I wanna brush my teeth," I flushed the toilet, using the wall to help me stand up. I went over to the sink, grabbing my toothbrush. I rinsed out my mouth, and started to brush my teeth. Bokuto sat on the edge of the tub, messing with his hair. I threw my toothbrush down as I started to gag again. I put my face in the toilet as my body was wracked from me throwing up. I started sobbing slightly. 

"It's okay Kaashi," Bokuto hugged me. 

"God it burns," I groaned. 

"I know, I'm sorry," he helped me back over to the sink, letting my brush my teeth. 

"Konoha said you can have baths now right?" 

"No, not for another two weeks," I rinsed my mouth. He nodded. He went to the other sink and started filling it with water. I squinted, trying to see what he was doing. 

"Take off your shirt," I looked around the room blindly for another minute before pulling my shirt off. He walked over to me, gently cleaning me with a soaped covered rag. 

"What are you doing?" 

"I told you I was gonna take care of you, didn't think I was serious huh?" I could tell he was smirking. I sat down on the edge of the tub, letting him continue. 

"Can I at least have my glasses?" I held out my hand. 

"When I'm done," he booped my nose and wiped my face. 

"Fine," I sighed. I relaxed as he washed around my back and stomach, cautious of my wound. 

"Better?" He handed me my glasses. I slipped them on with ease, looking around the room. 

"Much, thank you," I smiled, I grabbed the rag from him throwing it in a basket and turning off the sink. "Can I wash your hair?" 

"Why?" He started messing with his hair again. 

"I've never seen it down before," I shrugged. 

"I mean, I guess you can," he sat down next to the tub, leaning his head back so that it was in the tub. I sat on the edge of the tub, grabbing the shower head. I turned on the water, letting it run until it was warm. I put it over his head, letting the water soak his hair. I grabbed the bottle of shampoo, pouring some in his hair and massaging it till it was foamy. 

"You having fun Kaashi?" he chuckled. I blushed a little. 

"Yeah, I guess I am," I rinsed the soap out of his hair. I turned off the water, grabbing a towel and drying off his hair. I kept the towel on top of his head covering his hair as he sat up. 

"Ready?" I nodded, he pulled the towel down around his neck. His hair covered his eyes, dripping onto his legs. My mouth gaped slightly, my face glowing tomato red. I turned my head covering my face. "Something wrong?" 

"You should wear your hair down more often," I said breathlessly. 

"Okay Kaashi," I turned back, he had his eyes closed, a big smile on his face. I hugged him, his hair dripping down my back. After a minute, he hugged me back. "God I love you," he murmured into my shoulder. 

"I love you too," I smiled slightly, my eyes blurry from tears. Bokuto pulled away slightly, he tilted his head seeing I was crying. 

"Why are you crying Akaashi?" He pulled me back into a tight hug. "Don't be sad!" 

"I'm not sad," I laughed, making tears fall freely. "I'm happy, very happy. I'm not sad," I wiped my eyes with my wrist. 

"Then don't cry. Crying is for when you're sad," Bokuto wiped my eyes. 

"Not always," I laughed. 

"Well for me it is," Bokuto stood up and pulled me to my feet. "Now, I have a mess that needs cleaned up. And a meeting to host." He led me into his closet and gave me a suit. 

"Fancy," I teased. 

"Quite so," he quickly pecked me on the lips before slipping into his own suit. I quickly put the suit on, making sure to smooth any creases. 

"I will get the cleanup on the phone, and you start making calls to whoever is coming." I murmured as i intently focused on doing my hair.

"Sounds good," he came behind me and hugged me. I turned around and parted his hair so he could see. 

"Now you can see," I kissed him, making him smile. 

"Thank you," he kissed me again before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the closet. "We could just cancel the meeting."

"No. This meeting is overdo. I'm getting cleanup on the phone. Go call everyone," I kissed him once again before dialing a number into the phone on the wall. 

"Yes Mr. Bokuto?" 

"Leena, can you send out a cleanup by the office please?" 

"Yes I can Keiji. Anything else?" I heard slight rustling. 

"No that's all, thank you." 

"Of course." The line went dead. 

I walked out of the room making sure to close the door. I slowly walk down the hall, making my way down the stairs to the living room. I saw Bokuto with the phone in between his head and shoulder as he struggled to do something. 

"Yes, I called Hajime. Aoba Johsai is coming. Tetsurou can you put Kozume on the phone. Yes. No! Just put him on the phone." 

I leaned against the wall and just watched. 

"There you go Lightning." He said quietly. "No not you Kozume. Yes it is, that's what I wanted to ask. I'm hoping you can do that. Could you give them a call. They keep changing their location so often it's hard to find them. Alright thanks. See you later." He set the phone on the holder next to the couch and turned on the TV. 

"Who was that?" I asked as I came in the room. I saw Lightning and started to laugh. He looked at me confused. 

"Kozume. I need him to get somebody. If you're laughing at the dog, I thought she would looks cute. And stop laughing! You're gonna hurt yourself." 

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