Chapter 16

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Akaashi's POV

"Why did I let you drag me here?" I groaned, laying on top of Bokuto as he did pushups.

"So that you could work out," he chuckled.

"Everything burns."

"You're going to make all of me burn in a minute here. Finish your sets." He continued doing his pushups. I slowly got up and finished the rest of my sets. "See I knew you could do it." He kissed my forehead.

"I'm so gross." I used a small towel to wipe sweat from my hair that was dripping all over my face.

"Then let's go get in the car so we can go home and shower."

"I am not getting the car all gross."

"We can clean it," he handed me his water after chugging some of it.

"You can take the car, but I am running."

"It's only three miles I'm pretty sure."

"You coming or not?" I threw the towel in a bin and started walking outside.

"Race you!" He sprinted past me.

"You cheater!" I ran after him. I caught up to him pretty easily. We went at a pretty quick pace until we rounded the street corner. I sprinted as fast as I could, the house coming into view. I slowed down so I wouldn't crash into the gate. As I slowed up, the gate guard opened the door.

"Looks like you win. He's almost here," he chuckled.

"Boom baby!" I panted, doing cool down stretches as Bokuto ran up.

"There is no way! How did you sprint that fast?" He sat next to me, doing stretches.

"I did track all throughout school."

"Huh. Good to know. Which means you have good stamina," he smirked.

"Better than you."

"We can put that theory to the test."

"Maybe later when I'm not here," Kuroo fake gagged.

"Hi Tetsurou-San." I waved.

"Hey Keiji-kun. I have the bag and the cats." He handed me the small cat carrier and a bag.

"Y'all leaving right now?"

"Yep. But whatever you do, don't open that bag for another half hour. And I did not give you that bag, you have no knowledge of the bag."

"What bag?"

"Exactly. I'll see you when you guys get back." Kuroo hugged me and gave Bokuto a fist-bump.

"What shall we do with this now free afternoon?"

"Not a clue. But let's get the cats taken care of first."

"Sounds good." We went inside and let the cats roam.

"I love Kenma's cats. They're so fluffy."

"What's funny, is that Kuroo said that they don't take them anywhere. Kenma bathes and grooms them."

"Damn he's good."

"We're not getting cats. Konoha is gonna be pissed we have these ones here."


"Because he's allergic."

"How funny." I picked up one of the cats and went to go look for Konoha. "Konoha! I've come to torture you!"

"Why? Did Bokuto rip his stitches?"

"Nope." I walked up to him and smirked.

"I'm gonna beat your ass."

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