Chapter 19

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Akaashi's POV

"So Inarizaki has made themselves known. They've since taken care of one of our major drug organizations. I mean who am I to complain but that is what keeps us in business." A few people chuckled at the comment.

"Though besides that, it seems they've split connection to Shiratorizawa. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing." I walked around the room setting down small stacks of papers sporadically.

"So what is their status standing then?" Kuroo questioned.

"They aren't looking for any partnerships. They're staying independent. They said and I quote, "We want a clean slate with everybody, so nobody is a rival or associate." end quote."

"I'll take it from here thank you Keiji." I nodded, taking my place standing behind Bokuto as Daichi continued.

The meeting went on for another hour as everyone went around the table taking turns talking.

"Well, I hope that everybody got what they wanted out of this. Safe travels home. And we'll see you again in a week." Daichi walked all of us out by each group. Once we got home, everybody slowly went off to their rooms, a few settling down to watch TV.

"Washio don't forget that we have a training exercise with Aoba Johsai the day after tomorrow." Bokuto yawned.

"Do you want me to tell everybody?"

"That'd be great actually. But wait until morning because I think most everybody is sleeping right now."

"Roger." Washio nodded and went to the living room. I followed Bokuto to his office, watching as he dug through his desk.

"What are you looking for?"

"My old Inarizaki files."

"I think I know where they are." I muttered to myself.

"That would really help." Bokuto closed the curtains and turned on his lamp. I went into the room, closing the door behind me. "What else do you know about Inarizaki going under for leadership issues?" He sat down, grabbing out pen and paper, scribbling little notes.

"So." I sat next to him and set the files in between us, digging through for a smaller one. "Their old boss was fazing out to be a civilian to spend time with his family, so he assigned someone who was a bit older, and when he left his second in command was mad. So he kept taking over and giving orders without authorizing with the new boss."

"So thats why they went under?"

"Come to find out, this second in command worked for Shiratorizawa. And you'll never guess who it was."



"No shit. Holy fuck that is crazy."

"Yep. And Shiratorizawa didn't know that he was dead until I had shot Satori, and they tried to call him to come back, only to find out he was dead."

"I bet that was a fun phone call." I chuckled at his comment. "Anyways. I want to start going through these so we can track patterns and behaviors."

"Right now?"

"I'd like to get done as much as I can." Bokuto went in the other room. I went to the kitchen to make sure the dogs were fed, before making a pot of coffee. I grabbed a couple of mugs and the creamer before going back to the office. Bokuto had the fan going in corner while he was wrapped in a large fluffy blanket.

"Remind me the point of the fan if you're going to wear a blanket?"

"I'm not going to open the windows because you're scared of heights and the fan makes the room really cold."

"Fair enough." I set the coffee on the table and poured us each a cup. "It's gonna be a long night." I sat in my chair with my legs crossed, and wrapped the blanket Bokuto got for me around myself.

We sat in that office for 7 straight hours. We went through two and a half pots of coffee and half a box of pencils. I sat on the floor most of the time because our computer kept dying. It was 8 am when we finally left the room.

"I need food. Surviving 7 hours on only coffee is going to make me shit out my innards." Bokuto whined. Once we got to the kitchen, I started making omelets.

"Bokuto!" Washio came sprinting into the kitchen, the dogs running after him barking.

"What did you do to the dogs?" He raised his eyebrow.

"I started running."

"Why?" I turned around to look at him. "Why are you running in a towel?"

"I... I did something,"  he panted, frantically looking around.

"Tatsuki Washio!" I laughed as Kaori screamed from somewhere in the house.

"You have 30 seconds before she finds you. What did you do?"

"I used the rest of Kaori and Yukie's shampoo and conditioner."

"Ha ha." I snickered.

"You gotta help me!"

"Okay." Bokuto grabbed his shoulders and sighed. "Kaori he's in the kitchen!" He yelled down the hall.

"No!" Washio let out a blood-curdling scream as Bokuto held him from running. The dogs barked even more at him, causing more people to come see what was happening. Once Yukie and Kaori reached the kitchen, Bokuto let Washio go. He watched him only get a few feet before getting tackled.

"I would think that's something you'd get in trouble for." Bokuto snickered, handing me plates.

"I use the same products as them, so I use theirs and they use mine. Komi can you help me make breakfast?"

"Yes." Komi weaved his way through people and started helping me.

"I'm sorry!" Washio screamed from the hall.

"I'm glad that Washio has enough humanity, to not hit girls so he just lets them beat up on him." Komi shook his head and laughed.

"I'm not complaining," Bokuto shrugged. Yukie came in and slugged his arm.

"That is for selling out Washio." She laughed then hugged him. "But that is for catching him."

"Yukie come eat," I handed her a couple plates to pass around.

"Hey Kaash?"

"Yes Bokuto-San?"

"I'm gonna go shower."

"You're gonna eat first." I handed him a plate. "Komi go ahead and eat, I'll clean up."

"Thank you." He dipped his head, going to sit down with everyone. Washio limped into the kitchen groaning.

"You're not gonna do that again are you?" I handed him a plate before washing the dishes.

"It smelled good." He whined.

"Then go buy your own." I ruffled his hair and went to join everybody. Washio followed behind me.

"Konoha, I'm never staying up again. I'm going to go take a nap. You can do brief if you want. No plans today otherwise." Bokuto yawned and went to the other room.

Washio cautiously sat in between Yukie and Kaori.

"Don't do it again." Yukie narrowed her eyes.

"Okay," he leaned his head on her shoulder.

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