Chapter 13

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Akaashi's POV 

"So why ask for my help if you're saving your ass? Why are you telling me this in the first place when its a plan to capture me?" 

"Cause it'll be fun for me to see how you'll solve this. And I want to cause havoc." He smiled. 

"Well you succeeded." I shrugged. "That all you needed?" 

"So you're just disregarding this?"

"Karasuno is one of Fukurodani's allies, I can't just steal a scroll-" 

"That has a plan to kidnap you." 

"-from said ally so help you have the advantage cause you may as well just be baiting me." 

"That MAY be true. But c'mon we'll have fun." He wrapped his hands around the bars on the gate. 

"I can't fraternize with the enemy." 

"Have fun once in awhile, c'monnnnnn." 

"I can't. You have to leave before Bokuto gives you a matching hole-"

"In your skull." I turned as Bokuto came up behind me.

"Good morning owl boy, how are you this fine morning?"

"How is your leg?"

"Healing. Just needed to talk to Keiji for a moment. Bye bestie!" He waved to me then ran off. 

"How's your bestie?" 

"He is not my bestie."

"What is he then?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I walked around him to go inside. He walked up behind me, wrapping one arm around my waist and a hand loosely around my throat. "What was he here for?" He lightly kissed the back of my neck. 

"A scroll," I rolled my head forward.

"What's on the scroll, hm?"

"He said the ginger from Karasuno took it, its supposed to have plans on Inarizaki trying to kidnap me."

"Really? Well I just got off the phone with Karasuno and he said the ginger is on a mission in Brazil, which he wanted to have a meetings about to dicuss." 

"Which I had figured was a lie coming from him because Inarizaki isn't even in the area. They went dark because of something going on with leadership, and then went on an undercover mission."

"Where'd you learn this?" He slid his hands down under my shirt and played with the hem of my boxers. 

"Don't tell me I'm the only one doing research here." I turned to face him. "I don't have sources, I am the sources." I kissed him and started walking down the hall, the dogs following me. 

"Kiro, can you please take the dogs for a walk?" Bokuto called down the hall. 

"Of course sir." He popped out from a random door and grabbed the dogs. Once the front door closed I booked it down the hall, Bokuto on my heels. Once I reached his room, I paused for a second trying to think where to go. Bokuto grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him, shoving me against the wall next to his door. He reached over and shut the door, slowly locking it. 

He rested his forehead against mine, grabbing my chin. He pulled down my lip with his thumb,  my breath catching in my throat. I could feel his breath on my face, slow and rugged. I slowly reached my hand up and traced my fingertips lightly across his lips. He grabbed my wrist and kissed each of my fingertips, slowly kissing farther up my arm. He slipped my t-shirt off, still kissing my neck. 

He stopped and met my eyes, searching. He started stepping backwards, hooking a finger around the hem of my boxers, pulling me with him. I giggled as he sat on the edge of his bed, still pulling me towards him. I moved to where his legs were between mine. He placed a firm grip on my waist, rocking my hips in the shape of a figure 8. I put my hands on his shoulders, and slowly started scooting onto the bed. He rested his hands on my thighs and laid back. 

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