Chapter 31

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Keiji's POV

I thanked myself for leaving my headphones in my jacket pocket from work. I shoved them in my ears and turned on noise cancelling, letting out a slow breath as all the sounds disappeared. I turned on my music which added to the effect. It was nice being somewhat invisible from the world. I couldn't hear them, and I wasn't paying attention to them. It gave me a new sense of purpose, which made me want to go over to the homeless shelter since I wasn't doing anything.

Once I made it there, I made sure to go sign my hours and put my stuff in a locker.

"Hey Kit! Did you have a good Christmas?"

"Hey Kathy! It was okay. Yours?"

"Mine was good. My husband's family came down and we made a big dinner. What did you do?"

"Oh. Well my husband is here actually. And I only had gifts for the dogs since I didn't know he was coming. We just ordered take out."

"Didn't know he was coming? How does that happen?"

"Well he works overseas for his job sometimes."

"Ahh. Makes sense. Well, I'll stop bugging you for now. You know where everything is, it's just about time for everybody to eat," Kathy limped from around the corner into the kitchen that was down the hall. Another girl came from inside the kitchen.

"Oh my goodness! Hi Kit!" She ran up and hugged me.

"Hi Eileen. How was your Christmas?"

"Exactly how I thought. I watched TV with my cats, and then I went out for dinner with my uncles," she straightened out her outfit.

"Sounds like you had a good holiday," I chuckled, following her back into the kitchen.

"I did. What did you get up to?"

"My husband came from his job overseas to surprise me and we had take out."

"That sounds good too. How are the dogs?" She jumped excitedly.

"They're doing good. Rain was a little under the weather the other day, but other than that they're great."

"Can you bring them next time you come?" She folded her hands together and pushed her bottom lip out into a pout.

"Of course," I ruffled her hair and went to go help Kathy. Once everybody had gotten a plate of food and was settled, I went to go talk to some of them. I went over to the corner where Gunter was sitting

"Hey Gunter."

"Kit? That you?" I reached my hand out. He grabbed it and pulled me closer. Gunter was blind, and very wary of said blindness.

"It sure is, how are you Gunter?"

"Been better..." he grumbled. "What's for lunch today?"

"Somebody donated brisket. So it's brisket sandwiches and corn."

"I don't like corn..." he poked at what he thought was the corn on the plat that balanced on his lap.

"I know, I gave you carrots." I smiled. Gunter was a very interesting old man with some pretty good stories.

"Oh you," he nudged me, chuckling. "Thank you youngster. You want to hear a story?"

"Of course. I always enjoy your words of wisdom Gunter."

"Mkay, let's see... Oh! Have I told you about the time I stepped on a rusty nail?"

"Eww. How do you manage that?" I gagged.

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