Chapter 9

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Akaashi's POV 

I woke up and my thighs and back were sore. I turned to see Bokuto passed out on his stomach. I looked around the room, searching for a clock. I furrowed my eyebrows when I heard a scratching noise coming from the door. I got up, careful that I didn't wake Bokuto and limped over to the door. I opened the door to see Thunder, Rain, and Storm sitting there. 

"What are you three doing up here?" I giggled and opened the door so they could come in. After I closed the door, I carefully lifted each puppy onto the bed and let them crawl around around. I laid back down and fell back asleep. I woke up a few hours later to something wet on my face. I opened my eyes to see one of the puppies licking me awake. I saw Bokuto looking around groggily. 

"Morning Bokuto-San," I yawned. 

"No," he flopped back down, the puppies jumping all over him and licking his face. "No! I'm awake!" He whined. I pulled Thunder from the top of Bokuto and hugged him, kissing his head as he tried to lick my nose. Rain and Storm came to attack me for stealing their brother. 

"I surrender!" I giggled as the puppies jumped all over me. I sat up and pet them all, trying to get them to calm down. 

"Since when do the puppies sleep in the bed?" Bokuto sat up. 

"Since this morning when they were scratching at the door." I stood up shakily. 

"You still can't walk," he said in a sing-song voice as he stood up and went to go help me. He looped an arm around my waist and guided me to the bathroom. After we both used the bathroom and brushed our teeth, I put on a shirt and a pair of pants, Bokuto just slipping on sweats. I pulled the puppies out of bed and slowly walked down the hall to let them outside. Once I reached the front door, I let them outside to run around. 

"I'll make breakfast in a sec," I called over my shoulder. 

"I can just have a maid do it," he came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "When are the old enough for class?" 

"Around now." 

"I'll pay for them to have the class." 

"You don't have to do that-"

"I know I don't have to, but I want to."

"You'd do that for me?" 

"Of course," he kissed my cheek then went outside. He played with the puppies for a little before bringing them inside to feed them. After we ate breakfast, he signed the puppies up for a service dog class, and anxiety relief. He took them to the class and dropped them off. 

6 month timeskip 

I anxiously paced the foyer as I waited for the puppies. Bokuto went to pick them up after they completed their class which took longer than expected because of how young they were. I went into the kitchen and started to clean around to distract myself. I heard the front door open, and rushed into the other room, but it was only the gate guard with the mail. I thanked him and went and sat in the living room. 

I went through the envelopes and sorted the mail. I went through my mail and picked through it. There was a letter from Kenma and Sugawara, and a letter from my mother. My mother. What could she have to say? I sighed and opened the letter. Skimming over before the word 'death' catching my eye, so I went back through and reread it. 

I heard the front door open, the puppies running and rushing to find me. I heard Bokuto walk up behind me. 

"I thought you said you were gonna be right at the door?" He chuckled. I handed him the letter and let him read through it. "Oh. I'm sorry Kaash. That sucks. Are you gonna go?"

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