Grow up!Buster!

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(None's P.O.V)

A little boy of four years old crying silently lying on a bed.He can taste blood from his lips. There is a small cut on his lips. His life have changed dramatically during last couple of hours.He was just wishing if it was a nightmare and his mom wake him up.

He was remembering about morning how he was playing with his Kaya. *Where is Kaya? Where is mom?*

Suddenly the door opened and an old man entered, he came closer to Kai and slap him hard across his face.Kai was so shocked and afraid that he couldn't move an inch. "Why are you crying idiot?"The old man shouted.

Kai was shivering uncontrollably with fear. None have ever scolded him in his this short life let alone beat him like this. Kai still shaking with fear instinctively wiped his tears to pretend like he isn't crying though that doesn't help. "Grow up!You Buster!" The old man said in his devilish tone as he left.

............(At the same time in Japan).........

"Liana,is Kaya crying again?"asked a lovely voice.The voice belongs to Mrs.Takahashi who was in her middle sixty,her wide crimson eyes,pale skin and brown hair easily give a glimpse of her yough beauty.A girl answered, "Yes,mam! Maybe she is searching her mother.I tried to console her but,"She was cut off by the old lady,"I want you to take care of her as her mother.I know you are Misaki's best friend though you are a maid.You knew my daughter very well and Kaya needs you." Tears filled Liana's golden eyes she knew that it was true and she herself can't still believe that her most beloved person Misaki doesn't exist anymore, then how to console Misaki's little toddler. However Mrs.Saira Takahashi herself went to her granddaughter, Kaya jumped into her laps.She hugged kaya tightly into herself and unable to stop her tears watching little Kaya.She scolded herself mentally as this little girl has also lost her most precious person and she wiped kaya's tears lovingly.She asked her,"Don't you remember who you are to your parents?Tell it to granny,won't you?""I'm their lili-tle pr-pince."she said as was sobbing also. "Then you must not cry my child.Don't you know Princesses don't cry?"She asked her in a very clam voice and Kaya just nodded. "W-he_r is mamma?"she asked. "Wherever she is,you will be always her little princess.You must remember that my child,"She said. Kaya nodded in approval and went back to bed.

Saira Takahashi (mother of Misaki) sighed and return to her room.She still can't believe that her beloved daughter is not alive anymore. The thing which is more painful is that she made her promise that she will never search for Susumu. 'But what have happened,Susumu's going,this sudden attack who can appoint some assassins to kill such a little child and her daughter and where is Kai' She thought anxiously.

One thing was sure that Voltaire Hiwatari is still alive when the news of his Death is the starting of this entire mess. If it is really something connected to Voltaire,then her grand daughter's life is still at a stake.She have to hide Kaya. She decided that her life is never safe in Japan she would move her into Russia as she has Russian citizenship.She called Liana (her daughter's favorite maid) and told Liana that they(Liana) have to go to Russia.She explained her everything and Liana also wanted to help her.'This girl will genuinely love my granddaughter and keep her safe' Saira thought and  she started making arrangements for Russia . She keep her granddaughter's Name Kaya Takahashi(Hiwatari) in every legal documents hiding the Hiwatari name surely.

(In Biovolt Abbey)

Some months have passed.... playing with his little sister,sleeping on mother's soft lap these are nothing but a dream for Kai now.He don't even know where and how they are. He is attending his training sessions one by one everyday in Biovolt Abbey. He is in pain and every single muscles of his body is cursing him right now. But he can't stop,he can't fall. Every single time he will fall, he will just earn himself more training and that means more pain.In a way, He found it better that he doesn't even have any single moment to rest to think about his past. Actually memories of past gives him nothing but the feeling of pain.No matter how much he tries he can't stop his tears that earns more punishment.He can't be a native emotional kid not even his grandfather would allow him to be that,he must learn to block every single emotions but HATE . Hatred for this stupid game which have taken his father away from him,hatred for the thing that have shattered his every dreams.Hatred for this BEYBLADING. Somehow This gives a common point between him and his grandfather. Though he want him to be the best Beyblader defeating all other bladers, Kai hated Beyblades and wanted to destroy every last one beyblade because this had taken his father away from him.He still can't forget how his father chose beyblade between him and beyblade.

(P.O.V of Kai Hiwatari)

"Aren't you the new boy named Kai?"asked a boy of my same age."yeah, but I am already running late. I have to run faster," I answered without even looking who was that. The boy was also running like a bullet by my side.As I entered first in the Abbey completing our 5 km running course waiting for new instruction,I finally noticed the boy who ran alongside me this whole time.The boy has red hair ,he was shaking from cold as he is practically wearing nothing in comparison to this Snow-covered winter of Russia. He was staring at me and make a bit uncomfortable."And you are?"I  hesitated but still asked."Tala Ivanov,"he replied.
As it was launch break I intentionally choose a seat beside Tala.He frowned at me but then give me a friendly smile."Hello!"I started,getting no reply I said,"I noticed "You are shaking from cold why didn't you wear a coat or something?"He then sighed and said,"I don't have one"I for the sake of courtesy offered him my one and He almost snatched it and wore without even a thanks.He didn't utter a single more word,Finished his launch and almost ran away from me. I sighed and my old kindergarten friends and teachers used to complain about my silence and manners they should have come here. I sighed once more and scolded my mind for reopening the past memory. I went to my respective place.

(P.O.V of Tala)

Am I really smiling

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Am I really smiling.,I can't I should not.I must not show any emotions........But I can't stop happy feeling since That boy give me his own coat. I started running to avoid abbey trainers attention.Maybe he has a lot.Surely he is Kai Hiwatari after all. What he meant by asking me the reason behind my not wearing coat.If I had such guardians who cared for me to buy this for me I would not be here,none would be here actually.Who keep his child in such place where they will be beaten mercilessly for every single faults.As I was running noticing nothing on road I bumped into a little girl.We both fall on the road.My one leg crushed with a stone and a little drop of blood fall from it.I looked at the girl, wearing pink jacket and white shocks with her pink ribbon she was looking like a cute little princess."You are hurt!"her cute worried voice break the chain of my thoughts.She come close to me and bandaged my leg's cut in a such a caring way I couldn't help adoring."It's just a cut,"I hardly manage to speak.None in this entire world have ever cared for me so much!
"Taaaalaaaaa,"someone shouted.Fear filled my mind, I turned back highly shocked and terrified only to find someone else's shocked look. The boy was Kai who was looking like a hypnotized boy at the sight of the girl.
Before I could ask or understand anything the girl jumped into Kai and hugged him tightly.She was sobbing and refusing to leave him.

She was sobbing and refusing to leave him

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(P.O.V of Kaya)

I saw him,I saw my brother.It took me time to recognize him.His new blue face paint and he is wearing mom's long thick white scarf.He is looking different but surely nice I almost jumped to hug him he also hugged me. I had so many questions for him right now. But suddenly he almost pushed me away as if it was a mistake and the affection in his eyes were long gone. He said in a cold voice, "I don't want you here specially with me sister.You have to promise me you will never tell anyone about it.Got it?"

Failure Is Not An Option (KAI HIWATARI)Where stories live. Discover now