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(P.O.V Of None)

Kaya jerked head to look at a purple haired man. Boris Valkov.

The so called Sir of Demolition boys.
She is in some deep shit.

She need to do something. She did not get time though. A painful hit on the back of her head and her eyes become blurry.

Kaya's eyes opened. Blurry Vision, a numbing pain in the back of her head. She shook her head slightly to get a proper picture. She found herself in a cell. What the hell they did.

How long she was out cold!!

"Let me go!" Kaya yelled, shaking the bars of the cell she was in. She knew it was pointless, but what else was she supposed to do? She wasn't exactly one for waiting around for things to happen. She knew she was in some Biovolt's secret base. One of the guard told her that Voltaire would be there to talk to her the next day, but that did not improved her mood. She hated that man with passion as well.

"Let me Out," she shouted once again and tightened her grip on the bars as one of the guards walked over, not in fear but in anger. As the guard was walking, he drew something from behind him and swung it forward. Kaya cried out in pain as a sickening crack sounded and excruciating pain shot through her. She pulled her hands away from the bars and held her left had with her right.

While Kaya's grip had been tightened on the bars, the guard had struck her hand with a bat, almost breaking her fingers instantly when crushing them between the club and the bars. Panting heavily from shock and pain, she put pressure on the centre of her palm with her right thumb and shut his eyes tight. Why she did this she didn't know, but it seemed to ease the pain. She stumbled back slightly, and sat on the floor, taking in sharp breaths through her gritted teeth.

"Now maybe you'll listen when we tell you to shut up." was the guards on comment, before he turned away and returned to his post. Kaya was shivering from pain now, but it was uncontrollable. She shuffled back into a corner and pulled her knees close to her chest, still not taking pressure off her hand and she hung her head, trying to collect herself again.

She opened her eyes, but kept them narrowed in pain. "Kai... where are you?" She didn't care if Kai wasn't the best brother anymore, she was alone and scared, afraid of what could happen to her. She needed her brother now more then ever. She needed help.


(Meanwhile Kai)
(Back from Lake Bikale)

Kai walked back into the abbey shaking. He had almost drowned that day, and his clothes were still wet. He had to admit that the Bladebreakers had been extremely loyal and kind to save him from falling into the frozen lake. He really couldn't have wished for a better team. To just take him back after all he had seemed surreal for people to be so uninterested and reliable.

He didn't know what was happening with him. All he wanted was to win.
To make his grandfather proud.
To be the strongest.

But the moment black Dranzer stopped spinning, he had known how wrong he was!

He had meant to prove that they wouldn't take him back, he was strongest, but even after taking so many bit beast and causing terror to all the other teams they had called him a friend and agreed that he came back.

A thin smile came to his lips as he felt warm Dranzer in his hands. He brought Dranzer before his eyes. 'I am sorry and thanks'

He told his precious Dranzer. She had been with him forever. Even when Kai abandoned her for power. Sometimes he wondered if he actually deserve Dranzer. His dad would kill him for leaving Dranzer behind like that. Dranzer seemed to be raged as well. She was burning like a sun back there.

Failure Is Not An Option (KAI HIWATARI)Where stories live. Discover now