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(10 years later).........

"Kaya!Are you up?"Liana asked from outside."I'm coming,"I said just waking still laying on my bed. I quickly got up and freshen up.
And watching the time and earned myself no option but running without breakfast. As grandma or Liana maybe ask me something,all I managed to do was screaming"I am late.Byeeeeeeee!"
I reached at the place where I was supposed to be to watch a Bey battle. As a matter of fact that, I was late and battle was already over. But the end scenery was not as natural as it should be. Winner Carlos took away the beyblade of the loser Andrew. I became so angry but before I could say anything a boy wearing red jacket jumped into a Carlos and challenged Carlos for a battle tomorrow at Riverside.I don't know why but the confidence and determination at the boy's eye highly impressed me as Carlos was from 'Team Blade sharks' local beyblade gang, picking up a fight with one of them is not a small thing. I am also worried about that bullies of that gang who were disturbing our beybladers ,kids will be afraid of this game,being the regional leader of BBA I think I should do something against them.But this boy surely has guts,so out of curiosity, I followed him to his home, he was a very friendly boy and easily go along with me.I was watching him when he was practicing again and again somehow reminded me my elder brother Kai Hiwatari, I saw him also practise like this until he got perfection even in his childhood.
Memories of my brother really blew me away and I started for home promising that I will come to the match. It seems like it was just yesterday me and brother used to run around this Riverside and he just changed overnight.
Our last meeting was in Russia where he almost threw me away like I was a mistake. All he said was that he hate beyblading, hates father, Voltaire and God know how many things.I am sure that Voltaire Hiwatari have something to do about it. That day I was really mad at him but now I can understand how a five years old kid can bear so much hatred in his mind. However, I always remembered his word and until today I have never said anything to anyone about our that meeting in Russia.

He didn't come to meet me there again but that good looking red haired boy named Tala almost every day came to meet me. I can admit it that he is surely my childhood crush. His red hair,sky-blue eyes and white snow type skin,I feel some heat on my cheeks.Stupid hormones!

But I was also shocked at the bruises that were always visible on his body but never asked reason and now I curse myself that how can be so stupid

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But I was also shocked at the bruises that were always visible on his body but never asked reason and now I curse myself that how can be so stupid.My dear brother was maybe in the same situation there. However we returned in Japan after one year and I have no information about any of them. I just wished he is alright. would it hurt him that his only sister love beyblading so much,that thought made me quite nervous.
[No matter what she says she respect and fear him as an elder brother.]

Returning at home I started practicing with my beyblade. I launched my beyblade and just about to summon my bit beast but before that I heard footstep behind me. As my beyblade returned to my plam,I turned to face the sound but the view totally make me out of world. A tall mascular figure with pale-skin caught my eyes. Without the crimson brownish eyes and blue face paint, I would have never recognized my brother.I don't know why but the familiar face didn't make me that happy how it should be, maybe it's because his angry face and emotionless eyes.Suddenly breaking the silence, he asked"You were beyblading, right?After exactly knowing how much I hate this game."in his unnaturally cold voice that was enough to make me shiver. "Yeah,I.. I was ju,"before I could complete my sentence someone slapped me in the face.I was totally unprepared so I fall on the ground.I can't ever utter a single word I was shocked about what just happened. My brother who never even can bear a small scratch on me raised his hand at me. I failed to control my taers so hid my teary eyes behind my hairs and without muttering anything just looked at his eyes that was as usual super emotionless.I almost ran away Entered my room and slammed the door behind me. I jumped into bed and started crying.I was never such native girl to not give any answer or protect what Kai did but it was entirely unexpected and when did he returned !!! My sorrow was fading away and strong anger was taking its place,I wondered what makes him think that I will stop beyblading just because he slapped me or force me to stop it.
'Sorry! Brother!But I am Kaya Hiwatari.Only person decide my life will be me NOBODY ELSE!!'

(P.O.V of Kai Hiwatari)

Slapping my little sister and watch her crying was never in my to do list.I just couldn't stop myself, my only beloved sister is doing the only thing I forbade her to do. I shouldn't have gone there,I shouldn't have slap her,I could have made her understand. "Damn it"I shouted and punch the nearest wall with all my strength. I hate this game and very soon my gang will erase beyblading from this town. Carsey, Carlos, Stuart these fool boys think that they are becoming best beyblader by defeating some amateurs.They are just fulfilling my wishes,these loser kids will never beyblade again but if blade shark's fail, I will make them unable to beyblade as they know the law "Failure Is Not An Option".

He smiled at his success.But he has some serious mission to do here.He has very specific information that one of the strongest sacred spirit is lying here but he has not seen any beyblader having a bit beast yet let alone one of the strongest.

(Next day at Riverside)

(P.O.V of Kai)

Seating in a place from where I can see everyone but none can see me always give me a very sadistic pleasure.But all my pleasures turn into anger as I watch one of my gang members lose his battle with a little black haired boy and tried to flee away. I can't lose this precious chance to show the demon side of mine,I jumped on the grasses in my royal style and he started shaking from fear.As he was trying to flee with the stolen beyblades I punched him,he along with his bag of stolen beyblades fell on the ground and this was just a warning for him not to come back in Blade Sharks again.
I was just about to return but that little beyblader come in my way and challenged me.I don't waste my time fighting with these amateurs but he really got under my skin and I accepted.As I expected,I smirked at his funny moves and shred his beyblade into little pieces by one attack.
As I was going that boy again start to irritate me wanting an another beybattle, he is driving me nuts,his teasing behavior make me say yes . Now I am sure he is mad and he will get the punishment of wasting my time now. He gave me the time next day 4 pm,I will send my boys and make sure they teach this kid a good lesson so that he doesn't dare to come in front of me.

(P.O.V of Kaya)
I didn't go to watch Tyson's match but heard that he had won it. It's not that I obeyed my brother and gave up beyblading, I was practicing that whole day and didn't saw the time even. I went to his home next day to congratulate him but at their entire description of last day my jaw dropped. Though Tyson defeated Carlos, still challenging the leader of Blade sharks is not a good idea. Specially when we don't even know his name or abilities.Well Kenny has show us the video of Tyson's match with him but that was ever more bad,that guy's beyblade shredded Tyson's beyblade with only one attack. I really don't know how Tyson challenge him again.
But when it is Tyson nothing is impossible........................

(At Blade Shark's place)

"No,Kai!Don't do this to me.Please I beg you,"Carlos screamed.
"You know the rule boys. Do it," said Kai in his cold voice pointing three bladers. Three of them launched their beyblade and hit Carlos's Beyblade until it breaks into pieces. "Noooooooooo......."Carlos shouted as he also fall on his knees. "Sorry. Too late Carlos,"Kai smirked. One boy Came running,"Boss! There is a big problem."Kai gave "hnn"
And the boy started to explain,"You ordered us to go to battle with Tyson and," "You lose?"Kai growled.The boy started,"No-n-no.. I mean yes I mean actually another beyblade come and all our beyblades wa" "One beyblade threw out all your guy's blades? Bring him here,"Kai cut off him by his cold words. These idiots can falter all the day long he couldn't care less.'But if one beyblader can defeat all them he might have the thing I'm searching' "B-b-but ,boss?" Cersei started. "What?" Kai Shouted."It's it's a girl.The local BBA team leader." "Then bring her." He ended conversation, was about to leave but suddenly a girl voice come.
"Hello! Are you too chicken to spin that you send some of your pets.."

Failure Is Not An Option (KAI HIWATARI)Where stories live. Discover now