How dare you!

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Kaya felt like the temperature of the room has suddenly dropped down. She found herself under vicious glares of all the teens. These boys were no longer childish, their positions are speaking that they are ready to move for an attack, their weapons were pointed at her. Of course, Kaya surely understand that these boys are pretty familiar with these weapons. How could she ignored how exceptionally perfect Bryan's aim was, if it wasn't for her quick move she would have died back then.

But what actually scaring her, is she knew how much dangerous her brother's hatred could be. It's the second time, she had caught spying, this time sneaking inside of his very own house. Though she never intended to but curiosity always got the better of her. She knew quiet well what was going on in Kai's mind.

But no! She didn't have any slightest idea what was going on in Kai's mind. Kai's life was never a bed of roses. He suffered so much in his life, so much that he wanted to hide. Specially the relationship between him and his grandfather is enough to give any grown up a heart attack. He can't even imagine of someone sneaking around behind his back here. If she caught Kai and his grandfather arguments, which usually ended up Voltaire slapping Kai, or even worse whipping him in the cellar. Oh shit! Those horrible images are coming back again. The last beating was practically horrible. It has been a week, but bruises are still visible on his back and neck. That was for failure in the last match of regional championship. He hide those by his weighted scarf. He believes scars are only for him to know. He can't bear anyone saw them and pity him.

This was his life. The life, he has been hiding from rest of the world, for years, just for the sake of his so called pride. It's not like he could leave his only living relative anyway. Voltaire have full custody of Kai. Getting away from here, means praying for several trials, child abuse acquisition, making a complete fun of himself, extra extra. He would better live with this mad man! What more Voltaire could cause anyway! It is nothing more than some of the days of Abbey! He is quite used to those punishments now anyway!!

But now it is time he stop her sister from sticking her nose into his business. He can never let her know his struggles. Heck! He can't let anyone know his life.
Well! Demolition boys are completely another case! They have led the same life just like him. Though they are quite independent and always being happy funny one now, things are never same when they are in the Abbey. Anything less than perfect is punishable in Abbey and in Abbey standard nothing can be perfect. But Kaya can't step into this dark hole neither would he let her.

  'HOW DARE SHE TRIED SOMETHING THIS RECKLESS!' If only Voltaire would have been here, Kaya have no idea what her life could have been!!  Kai took a deep breath visibly trying to calm himself.

"" Kai finally asked calmly but very clearly. Somehow ,this calm voice is sounding more dangerous and fierce. He was determined to teach a dangerous lesson to whoever had dare to sneak into Hiwatari mansion! This girl really has no idea, Where she stepped inside. This nicely looking mansion hold very fearful dark secrets beneath it. Worse! She was in the cupboard!! Did she find out the hidden door and cellar behind the board!! No! No!no! She surely didn't. then she would not have been here.

Demolition Boys felt clueless for a second. Tala looked at Kai and figured something. He started to the bedrooms of upstairs and motioned for the others to follow. Other did without question. Abbey kids share a very strong bond with each other. They is no need to say everything out loud for each other. Tala knew from the look of Kai's eyes that he wanted to handle the matter alone. Sparing a last glance at the girl, they all made their way to the upstairs.

Kaya was now looking at the floor, like it was some amusing artwork, not wanting to meet Kai's gaze. She is feeling so many emotions running inside her. Anger, Fear, anxiety, guilt, regret, sorrow...

And worse she knew Kai was angry, angry would be an understatement, he is furious right now. She can not put her finger on it but something told her that only sneaking inside here can't made her brother this outrageous. Unless there is something serious hidden here, something his brother even wanted to hide!

No matter how much she want to figure out her brother he is just seems unreachable? Should she ask? Should she really tell him why she was here!

(Kaya's p.o.v)

'Can I trust him! No matter how much I wanted to hug him or cry on his shoulder I knew that will never be a good choice! heck! Maybe I am panicking too much!'

I swallowed and licked my dry lips, before opening my mouth to say something... only no sound came out. What could I say anyway? Sure there were so many thoughts running around in my head, but none of them made sense to me. I don't understand what's going on. I don't understand any of this!


His voice somehow left the previous cold demeanor. I had not paid attention,maybe he had gestured the other boys something as they already left us without me realizing that! Now we both are standing alone in the empty living room. My head snapped upwards as he called and I jolted away from my thoughts. Kai was stood directly in front of me. I'd never seen so much worry in his eyes before. His face was tensed, his jaw line sticking out more than usual, telling me he was clenching his teeth together quite hard. I bit the inside of my lips, feeling myself shaking.

No matter how badly she wanted to unravel Kai's mysterious past and pull him away from this life; right now she just wanted nothing more than run away from this building and never come back. She don't understand, and now she has been beginning to hope she never will.

"Are you okay?" Kai asked his voice now concerned as his eyes take look of her bleeding arm. It needs treatment and he can not now just bring himself together to yell at her. Not when she is this panicked already! She is up to something but whatever it is she would not bother to say. I-don't-need-you type attitude! Sometimes, he really hate the fact how much she is like him.

Just then Kaya was observing her brother's changings. His eyes were no longer glaring at her, it was looking at her injury. Then he looked at her eyes, crimson eyes locked at each other. Kaya felt like Kai was actually reading through her eyes. Kai's eyes as always betraying every emotions. She moved her gaze just to notice a light purple almost healed bruise of his neck. One purple line made his way through the side of his neck to the backside.

"What is that?" before Kai could figure out what was happening, she was already on Kai's back with opened shirt buttons, looking at her brother's now undressed back. What she saw was something she never ever imagined even in her nightmares. It was completely brusied many of them have healed leaving scars,some are still light purple. It took Kai only a couple of seconds to figure out what just happened. He shoved away Kaya very roughly from him she almost fell down. But Kai was now too outraged to care,

"How dare you!" He shouted loud enough that echoed the empty hall. Every sign of concern and worry was now long gone, kai was fuming with rage. She had done just the thing, he would like to kill anyone doing.
But Kaya was similarly furious, shouted,"Is that's why you are so enraged about me being here? Because I could have figured out what goes on here?"
"Nothing goes on,"Kai snapped.
"Are you insane! He is torturing you here!"
Kai became more violent if possible,"No! He is not torturing me in cupboard cellar!"
Kaya run past her brother before he could grab her. She went straight to the cupboard noticing the secret door in a single second and going inside, another stairs going underground, she went until notice three doors. She was hearing her brother's footstep behind, she went straight to the left one make a quick glance. Then kicked open the middle one, went inside only to find out handcuff attached to one side. There was whip with three lashes. Much to her fear, dried blood on the floor and walls. other side of the wall was various knives,whips, even some other weapons, followed by an uneasy silence, figured it was soundproof. This room is complete definition of torture cell. I can't believe Kai was facing all this for God knows how long!
She was brought back to reality as she felt someone harshly yanked my hand, pull her out of the room,
         "HOW DARE YOU!"

Failure Is Not An Option (KAI HIWATARI)Where stories live. Discover now